Let’s Fight Vaccine Hesitancy – An Urgent Public Health Emergency: Interview with Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat

6. Mai 2020
Natasha Azzopardi Muscat

Even though the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that “immunization is one of modern medicine’s greatest success stories” with around 2 to 3 million deaths prevented every year, in 2019 WHO rated vaccine hesitancy as one of the 10 biggest threats to global health worldwide. The session on Vaccine […]

7th European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI)

23. April 2020

06th to 09th December 2020, Valencia, Spain. The European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI) is looking forward to organizing the 7th edition of its ESWI Influenza Conferences in Valencia, Spain. Over the past years, the ESWI Influenza Conferences have grown into the largest European scientific conferences dedicated to influenza. […]

Online Course: How Nurses and Medical Assistants Can Foster a Culture of Immunization in the Practice

23. April 2020

anytime, online course. Research shows that healthcare professionals are the most trusted source of information for parents when it comes to vaccines for their child. Nurses and medical assistants have a key role to play in improving vaccine acceptance and fostering a culture of immunization in the practice as they […]

1st TAE/ESCMID Leadership Academy: Creating Future Leaders in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

23. April 2020

26th to 27th September 2020, Belgrade, Serbia. This capacity-building workshop has been designed to help and support individuals as they develop a range of personal and professional skills which will contribute to their effectiveness as the leaders of the future in the field. Course objectives This course aims: to address […]

Online Course: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Public Health

23. April 2020

28th May to 12th June 2020, online course. Since the number of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased dramatically over the past two decades and is now a major public health issue, course participants learn about the state of the science of autism epidemiological and etiological research, […]

Involvement of Young Gasteiners in the COVID-19 Response

6. April 2020

Call for newcomer applications for the Young Forum Gastein (YFG) 2020 The European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is pleased to announce it will once more offer a limited number of scholarships to young professionals working in the field of health to enable their participation in the #EHFG2020 conference as YFG […]

ICRMBC 2020: 14th International Conference on Reproductive Medicine and Birth Control

30. März 2020
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

22nd to 23rd October 2020, Istanbul, Turkey. The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of […]

Online Course: Covid-19: Operational Planning Guidelines and Covid-19 Partners Platform to Support Country Preparedness and Response

30. März 2020
World Health Organization

Anytime, online course. Overview: This 3-module learning package introduces the context for the need for a coordinated global response plan to the COVID-19 outbreak. It provides the required guidance to implement the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response. These planning guidelines describe priority steps and actions to be included […]

Reboot Health & Wellbeing – Keeping Young People Safe

9. März 2020
United Nations

4th March to 15th April 2020, online challenge. The World Health Organization (WHO), supported by the UN Office of Information and Communications Technology (UN-OICT) and UNAIDS challenge you to use your bright minds and entrepreneurial skills to address one of the urgent health challenges for the next decade : Keeping young people safe.  The range […]

EACR 2020 Congress: Innovative Cancer Science

25. Februar 2020
European Association for Cancer Research

17th to 20th June 2020, Torino, Italy. The EACR annual congress brings together thousands of cancer researchers in a four day congress dedicated to basic, preclinical and translational cancer research across a wide breadth of topics.  It will highlight the latest research and bring together the cancer research community to […]