Can You Dance Your Way to Better Health and Well-being? For the First Time, Who Studies the Link Between Arts and Health

21. Februar 2020
WHO Europe

WHO Europe, Helsinki, Copenhagen, 11th November 2019. Engaging with the arts can be beneficial for both mental and physical health. This is a key conclusion of a new report from the WHO Regional Office for Europe analysing the evidence from over 900 global publications – the most comprehensive review of […]

Dancing with Elephants at the 23rd EHFG Conference

10. Februar 2020

The European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is delighted to announce its 23rd EHFG conference, which will take place from 30 September to 2 October 2020 in Bad Hofgastein, Austria. Under the theme of ‘Dancing with elephants – New partnerships for health, democracy, business’, the EHFG will address the fact that determinants […]

Ocean and Marine Medicine Training Course

29. Januar 2020
Ocean and Marine Medicine Training Course

25th to 28th May 2020, Plymouth, United Kingdom. Ocean and Marine Medicine is aimed at medical and healthcare professionals interested in marine-based challenges, sporting events, ocean swims, extended sailing trips and expeditions. The course has been designed to cater for non-medics with a significant interest in ocean/marine events. World Extreme […]

My “Krankenhaus Köpenick” Internship in Berlin

29. Januar 2020

by Alina Wiedergut. Motivation  Between my third and fourth year of medical school, I decided to apply for an internship at an emergency ward of the “Krankenhaus Köpenick” in Berlin, Germany. I chose Germany, because as an Austrian medical student I was very curious about working habits and teaching attitudes […]

Emerging Respiratory Viruses, Including Ncov: Methods for Detection, Prevention, Response and Control

28. Januar 2020

anytime, online course. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). A novel coronavirus (CoV) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China. This […]

Geneva Health Forum 2020: Improving Access to Health: Learning From the Field

28. Januar 2020
Geneva Health Forum

24th to 26th March, Geneva, Switzerland. Health systems are facing serious dynamic challenges. Resources are increasingly limited in a rapidly changing world, where the nature of health needs are equally changeable. However, technological progress in the digital age and the emergence of new health actors expand our array of potential […]

25th Anniversary Congress EMN 2020 Salzburg

9. Januar 2020
25th Anniversary Congress EMN 2020 Salzburg

27th to 30th September 2020, Salzburg, Austria. Dear Colleagues, I would like to welcome you to the 25th Anniversary Congress of the Euroacademia Multidisciplinaria Neurotraumatology.  It is a great honor to host the most influential international gathering of neuroscientists, specialists for neurorehabilitation, neurologists and neurosurgeons at the beautiful ambience of the […]

Rare disease day

8. Januar 2020
Rare disease day

29th February 2020, worldwide. Rare Disease Day takes place on the last day of February each year, a month known for having a ‘rare’ number of days.. The main objective of Rare Disease Day is to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. Building awareness of […]

European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) 2020

30. Dezember 2019

29th to 31st March 2020, Vienna, Austria. The European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) is the leading European EP conference and will tackle “Joining forces to overcome arrhythmias” The EHRA congress brings together scientists, healthcare professionals and key opinion leaders involved in the arrhythmia management from all around the world. A […]

24th Course in International Humanitarian Law (Ihl) for Humanitarian Professionals and Policy Makers

19. Dezember 2019

22nd to 27th March 2020, Naivasha, Kenya. The course will focus on international law and standards applicable during armed conflict. It is designed to help the participants to find, understand and apply that framework to achieve their professional humanitarian objectives. The course will cover the: Origins, structure, principles and rules […]