Sexual health and rights under pressure: resistance and challenges

1. März 2023

19th  April 2023, Bern, Switzerland. Medicus Mundi Switzerland In countries around the world, sexual and reproductive rights are under pressure and the right to self-determination especially of women is threatened. In some regions, religious fundamentalists are even mobilising against sexual and reproductive rights.  Moreover, there is a movement in various […]

Abstract Einreichung und Poster Präsentieren leicht gemacht

23. Februar 2023

von Emilie Han. Es kommt wahrscheinlich einmal der Tag in jeder medizinischen Laufbahn, wo die Vorgesetzte oder der Vorgesetzte zu dir kommt, und dich bittet ein Abstract zum nächsten Kongress für die Postersitzung einzureichen. Dies kann im ersten Monat der AssistenzärztInnenausbildung geschehen oder auch schon früher, wie z.B. von DiplomarbeitsbetreuerInnen […]

3. Symposium Sexualität

23. Februar 2023

3. Juni 2023, Wien, Österreich. Im Namen von Univ.-Doz. Dr. Gerald Gatterer möchten wir Sie sehr herzlich zum 3. Symposium Sexualität am 03. Juni 2023 im Haus der Ingenieure in Wien einladen. Die Veranstaltung wird wie untenstehend zur Approbation eingereicht: Ärzt*innen: 8 medizinische DFP-Punkte Psycholog*innen: 8 BÖP Fortbildungseinheiten Psychotherapeut*innen: 8 […]

EHFG 2023: Health systems in crisis – countering shockwaves and fatigue

23. Februar 2023

26th to 29th September 2023, Bad Hofgastein, Austria and online. EHFG 2023: Registration for the hybrid conference is open! The European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is delighted to share with you the programme of the EHFG 2023 and announce that registration is open! This year’s hybrid edition, taking place from […]

Vienna Pain Academy 2023

7. Februar 2023

05. Mai 2023, Wien, Österreich. Im Namen von Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Burkhard Gustorff, DEAA möchten wir Sie sehr herzlich zur Vienna Pain Academy am 05. Mai 2023 im Haus der Ingenieure in Wien einladen. Die Veranstaltung wird wie untenstehend zur Approbation eingereicht: Ärzt*innen: 9 medizinische DFP-Punkte Psycholog*innen: 8 BÖP Fortbildungseinheiten […]

ASE 2023

30. Januar 2023

23rd to 26th June 2023, National Harbour MD, United States. The annual showcase of investigators from around the world presenting cutting-edge research on the latest advances in cardiovascular ultrasound and cases illustrating evolutions in patient care is a highlight of ASE’s Annual Scientific Sessions. ASE 2023 offers opportunities for investigators […]

Heart Failure 2023

30. Januar 2023

20th to 23rd May 2023, Prague, Czech Republic and online. The world’s leading event on heart failure It covers the entire spectrum of heart failure, from prevention to diagnosis and treatment. Heart Failure Congress is the annual congress of the Heart Failure Association of the ESC. On behalf of the HFA Board, […]

41st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases

30. Januar 2023

8th to 12th May 2023, Lisboa, Portugal and online. You are invited to the 41st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases in Lisbon & Online, 8-12 May 2023. Join researchers and specialists from Europe and around the world, who are dedicated to researching, treating and preventing […]

What can forensic medicine teach us for the management of pandemics?

9. Januar 2023

1st to 2nd March 2023, Online Education Course. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how difficult the management of new or re-emerging infections can be. The current course will cover lessons learned in forensic medicine that can help to improve their management in elderly and vulnerable patients. This course will use […]

9th European Stroke Organisation Conference

9. Januar 2023

24th to 26th May 2023, Munich, Germany. ESOC is Europe’s leading forum for advances in research and clinical care of patients with cerebrovascular diseases. ESOC 2023 lives up to its expectation, and presents to you a packed, high quality scientific programme including major clinical trials, state-of-the-art seminars, educational workshops, scientific […]