15th EPH Conference

31. Mai 2022

9th to 12th November 2022, Berlin, Germany. The 15th EPH Conference in Berlin will be the first EPH Conference since Marseille 2019 to take place live and in person from 9 – 12 November. The spectacular Hub27 venue provides us with ample opportunities for informal chatting, personal exchange and live networking. […]

16. International Conference on Psychology ICP 2022

31. Mai 2022

8th to 9th September 2022, Prague, Czechia. The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the […]

ASM Microbe

29. April 2022

9th to 13th June 2022, Washington, USA. ASM Microbe is back, and scheduled to take place in-person. Mark your calendar now to join us for an experience like no other. ASM Microbe drives discovery, innovation and collaboration across the full spectrum of microbiology. Explore science in your focused specialty or delve into […]

EACR 2022 Congress – Innovative Cancer Science: Translating Biology to Medicine

29. April 2022

20th to 23rd June 2022, Seville, Spain. We look forward to welcoming you to the EACR 2022 Congress. With your participation we will make the 2022 Congress a vibrant and exciting event! EACR 2022 is a four day congress dedicated to basic, preclinical and translational cancer research across a wide breadth of topics. […]

7th International Conference on Global Public Health 2022

29. April 2022

17th to 18th October 2022, Bali, Indonesia. Welcome to the 7th international conference on global public health 2022 on 17-18th October 2022 in Bali, Indonesia to present your research findings before a global audience and listen to the eminent keynote speakers from prestigious public health faculties. GPH2022 offers an extraordinary […]

EULAR 2022

29. April 2022

1st to 4th June, Copenhagen, Denmark. Since its foundation in 1947, the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology, EULAR, has been recognised in the wide-ranging spectrum of World Rheumatology as a prestigious and reputable non-profit organisation with the highest profile on the continent. Among the multitude of outstanding EULAR activities, the […]

10. Alterspsychiatrische Tagung

29. April 2022

24. Juni 2022, Wien, Österreich. Im Namen von Herrn Prim. Dr. Christian Jagsch und Herrn Chefarzt Dr. Georg Psota möchten wir Sie sehr herzlich zur „10. Alterspsychiatrischen Tagung“ am 24. Juni 2022 im Haus der Ingenieure in Wien einladen. Die „Jubiläumstagung“ beschäftigt sich mit den Folgen für die medizinische-psychiatrische, psychotherapeutische […]

16. Wiener Diabetestag

1. April 2022

5. Mai 2022, Wien, Österreich. Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen, Heuer findet nach 2 Jahren Covid-19 bedingter Pause parallel zum Wiener Diabetestag im Rathaus unsere bereits traditionelle Veranstaltung, der Wiener Diabetes-Dialog 2022, statt. Die Therapie des Diabetes mellitus und der assoziierten Erkrankungen zeichnet sich durch große und relevante Fortschritte aus. Dies […]

22. Kärntner Seensymposium

1. April 2022

5. bis 7. Mai 2022, Velden, Österreich. Das Leben ist besser am See und zwar live.Endlich wieder Präsenzveranstaltungen! Endlich wieder raus kommen.Endlich wieder Kolleginnen und Kollegen treffen und sich persönlich austauschen!Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Das Programm des 22. Kärntner Seensymposium ist umfangreich und bunt.Wir haben wieder die besten Vortragenden […]

The 24th International AIDS Conference

1. April 2022

29 July to 2nd August 2022, Montreal, Canada and online. AIDS 2022 Registration for AIDS 2022, the 24th International AIDS Conference, is now open. For the first time, the world’s largest conference on HIV and AIDS will be hosted in-person in Montreal, Canada, as well as virtually, to make it accessible […]