Euroanaesthesia 2022

1. April 2022

4th to 6th June 2022, Milan, Italy. Euroanaesthesia is recognised worldwide as one of the most important and influential annual congresses in anaesthesiology and intensive care. With a history of over 8000 international participants from more than 100 countries and over 130 exhibitors, Euroanaesthesia is truly an outstanding international platform […]

Fachtag Physikalische Innovation

11. März 2022

21. Mai 2022, Wien und online. Der Fachtag Physikalische Innovation bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit neue Therapiemethoden und neue Geräte kennenzulernen, Leitung Univ.-Lektor Dr. Wolfgang Gruther, MSc. Der Fachtag gliedert sich in 4 Themenblöcke: Themenblock 1: Licht und Wärme Themenblock 2: Strom und Hochfrequenz Themenblock 3: Druck und Bewegung Themenblock 4: […]

37th International congress of the ISBT

3. März 2022

4th to 8th June 2022, online. The International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) is a scientific society that was founded in 1935. Since that time the ISBT has grown in to an international society where transfusion medicine professionals from across the globe come together and do the one thing they […]

27th WONCA Europe Conference

3. März 2022

28th June to 1st July 2022, London, UK. Dear Friends and Colleagues, hello to you all! My name is Dr Steve Mowle, and I am the Honorary Treasurer of the Royal College of General Practitioners and have the privilege to chair the Host Organising Committee for the 27th WONCA Europe […]

ECIO 2022

10. Februar 2022

24th to 27th April 2022, Vienna, Austria. The ECIO 2022 programme will cover the entire spectrum of treatments interventional oncology can offer to cancer patients, including well-established therapies, such as local ablation for liver tumours, to newer clinical areas, such as immunotherapy. We are beyond excited about the prospect of […]

Österreichkongress für Radiologietechnologie 2022

10. Februar 2022

22. bis 23. April 2022, Graz, Österreich oder online. 2022 ist ein Jubiläumsjahr in mehrerer Hinsicht. Der Verband wurde 1972 gegründet und feiert dementsprechend 50-jähriges Bestehen. Außerdem feiert das MTD-Gesetz sein 30-jähriges Bestehen. Unser Beruf entwickelt sich laufend weiter und wir müssen diesen Herausforderungen täglich gerecht werden und dazu stellen […]

2. Symposium Sexualität

9. Februar 2022

4. März 2022, online. Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen, wir freuen uns, Sie beim 2.ten Symposium Sexualität begrüßen zu dürfen. Erotik-Liebe-Beziehung-Sex – was ist wie wichtig? Das ist das Motto unter dem es stattfindet. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit ist diese Thematik besonders wichtig, da über die Medien oft ein sehr sexualisiertes […]

Health Care and Management (HCM): From Research to Implementation

7. Februar 2022

21st March to 24th June 2022 (or 20th March to 23rd June 2023), Allschwil, Switzerland. The Health Care and Management course at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) introduces the skills and knowledge needed to work as a public health professional in resource-constrained settings. Do you want […]

Mayo Clinic Gastrointestinal Cancers 2022

3. Februar 2022

18th to 19th March 2022, Coronado, CA, US, or online. This course focuses on case-based and didactic presentations from Mayo Clinic and other international experts in the treatment of the whole spectrum of gastrointestinal (GI) cancers, including esophageal, gastric, hepatocellular, pancreatic, small bowel, bile duct, anal and colorectal, and gallbladder. […]

Spring CPD Conference 2022

3. Februar 2022

29th to 31st March 2022 Bournemouth, United Kingdom or online. The RCEM Spring CPD Conference targets Emergency Medicine Consultants and Physicians looking to gain continuing professional development from high-quality sessions, covering cutting edge and frequently occurring topics. The Spring CPD Conference is taking place as a face-to-face event in Bournemouth […]