Insights into Skin Barrier Function from In Silico Models to In Vivo Pathology

16. April 2019

11th to 16th August, 2019, Waterville Valley, NH, USA. The overarching theme of the 2019 conference is “insights into skin barrier functions from in silico models to in vivo pathology” and the intention is to bring together science leaders from the diverse community of academic and industrial researchers working on the epidermal barrier. This […]

30th Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course of the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR 2019)

3. April 2019

5th to 8th June 2019, Rome, Italy. The four day meeting will cover the full range of topics in abdominal imaging and intervention and is aimed at subspecialist abdominal GI radiologists, general radiologists, radiologists in training as well as medical students. Since its first edition in 1990, the annual meeting […]

12th European Public Health Conference

3. April 2019

20th to 23rd November 2019, Marseille, France. Bridges are at the heart of the European idea. They have enabled people of this continent to come together, crossing historic and geographical frontiers, but they are not just physical structures and can take many less tangible forms. Public health has always meant […]

Fachtag Neuro.Psycho.Geriatrie

2. April 2019

17. Mai 2019, Wien, Österreich. Die Tagung Neuropsychogeriatrie steht diesmal unter dem Motto „Die Grenze des Machbaren“. Expert*innen aus den Bereichen Medizin, Pflege, Psychologie, Psychotherapie, Sozialarbeit und  Recht betrachten das Thema der Diagnostik und Behandlung von älteren Menschen mit Demenz und anderen psychischen Erkrankungen aus einer multiprofessionellen Perspektive. Zusätzlich werden […]

The 5th International Conference on Public Health

28. März 2019
ICOPH 2019

10th to 12th July 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) takes the pleasure to invite you to the 5th International Conference on Public Health 2019 (ICOPH 2019) which will be held from 10th to 12th July 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ICOPH 2019 will be an innovative and informative international conference reflecting […]

2019 Gordon Research Seminar on Tuberculosis Drug Discovery and Development

7. März 2019

6th to 7th July 2019, Castelldefels, Spain. The main theme of the 2019 Gordon Research Seminar on Tuberculosis Drug Discovery and Development is Molecular and Cellular Insights in Tuberculosis: Identifying Novel Drugs and Therapeutic Targets. A wide range of cutting edge research topics from drug discovery to clinical applications and combat tuberculosis will be […]

Global Conference on Addiction and Behavioral Health

1. März 2019

22nd to 24th August 2019, London, UK. Magnus Group is honored to welcome you to attend the “Global Conference on Addiction and Behavioral Health” (GAB 2019) scheduled on 22nd to 24th August 2019 in London, UK. GAB 2019 is an international meeting ground focused on neuroscience contributions and it aims to advance the understanding […]

4. Wiener Lungentag „aus der Praxis – für die Praxis“

28. Februar 2019

11. Mai 2019, Wien, Österreich. Wir laden Sie herzlich zum 4. Wiener Lungentag am 11. Mai 2019 unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Popp und Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schenk, MSc ein. Hören Sie Vorträge zum State of The Art in der Behandlung pulmologischer Erkrankungen in der […]

22nd EHFG: A Healthy Dose of Disruption? Transformative Change for Health and Societal Well-being

8. Februar 2019

2nd to 4th October 2019, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. While we have made considerable advances in health, there are a number of areas that seem to be at a stalemate despite ample evidence on how to move forward. Examples include the topic of health reforms in general, tackling AMR, addressing health […]

5. Symposium Philosophie & Medizin: „Die menschliche Natur und ihre Zukunft“

7. Februar 2019

29. März 2019, Wien, Österreich. Wir laden Sie herzlich zum 5. Symposium der Philosophie & Medizin am 29. März 2019 unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Präs. Dr. med. Marina Marcovich und Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Bohrer, MA ein! Vierzehn Referenten/innen verschiedener Fachrichtungen der Medizin und Philosophie aus dem In- und […]