Going USA 2018: Weiterbildung, Fellowship & Forschung

13. August 2018

24th October 2018, 5 pm to 8 pm, AKH Wien, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Wien, Hörsaalzentrum, HS 3, Vienna, Austria. Are you interested in medical continuing education and work in the USA? Are you interested in an Internship and Residency at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, USA? Going International and the Alumni […]

EHFG 2018 Hackathon

9. August 2018

2nd to 5th October 2018, Bad Hofgastein, Austria We are excited about introducing new ways of outcomes-oriented working to the EHFG – for the first time, the EHFG will be hosting a joint hackathon with our new partner EIT Health, a network of health innovators backed by the EU. A hackathon […]

International Patient Experience Symposium

2. August 2018

12th to 14th November 2018, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Under the patronage of Ministry of Health & Prevention, BII is pleased to announce the inaugural launch of the International Patient Experience Symposium scheduled for 12th -14th November 2018 in Abu Dhabi (UAE). Emphasizing the paradigm shift towards ‚person-centered care‘ and […]

Transform MedEd 2018

30. Juli 2018

9th to 10th November 2018, Singapore. The conference will address transfroming medical education through three main lenses – people, practice and policy – in an innovative conference format that will allow you to actively engage with the speakers and participants in different ways toward a collective knowledge sharing and building. […]

3rd Annual Surgical Pathology Update: Diagnostic Pearls for the Practicing Pathologist

25. Juli 2018

1st to 3rd November 2018, Scottsdale, AZ, USA. This seminar is meant to provide the practicing pathologist with an up-to-date and comprehensive review of a variety of topics in surgical pathology and cytopathology including gastrointestinal, genitourinary, soft tissue, gynecologic and dermato-pathology. In some areas, emphasis will be placed on correlation […]

International Conference on Migration Health

24. Juli 2018

1st to 3rd October 2018, Rome, Italy. International migration is a global phenomenon that is growing in scope, complexity and impact. Human migration is now at an all-time high, accounting for 245 million people and is shaping world events and fuelling political and public debates. People have been migrating since […]

5. Kongress Ganzheitliche Schmerztherapie 2018

5. Juli 2018

6. Oktober 2018, Wien, Österreich. Der 5. Kongress Ganzheitliche Schmerztherapie findet am 6.10.2018 unter dem Hauptthema „Schmerz im höheren Lebensalter“ statt. Infolge der stetigen Zunahme des Anteils von Personen über 65 Jahren an der Gesamtbevölkerung, werden künftig chronische Schmerzzustände – vor allem diejenigen, die auf degenerative Prozesse zurückzuführen sind – […]

11th World Pediatric Congress

29. Juni 2018

16th to 17th August 2018, Singapore. Conference Series llc LTD is delighted to invite you to attend the 11th World Pediatric Congress which is to be held in Singapore on August 16-17, 2018. The Pediatric Congress 2018 will be an innovative and invigorating international conference reflecting the direction of pediatrics in the 21st century in a […]

Weltkongress der Ganzheitsmedizin mit Heilern, Schamanen und Therapeuten aus aller Welt

26. Juni 2018

10. bis 12. Mai 2019, München, Deutschland. Die Heiltraditionen alter Kulturen und indigener Völker bieten einen reichhaltigen Wissensschatz und greifen auf jahrtausendealte Erfahrungen zurück. Sie erfahren praktisches Wissen und Rituale und schlagen so den Bogen von den traditionellen Heilverfahren zur heutigen Ganzheitsmedizin. Der Kongress steht für alle Interessenten offen und lädt auch Vertreter […]

WHO’s First Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health

12. Juni 2018

30th October to 1st November 2018, Geneva, Switzerland The Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health will be organized in collaboration with UN Environment, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants […]