Ruster Sportärztetage

30. Mai 2018

6. bis 8. Juli 2018, Rust, Österreich Unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Frau Karin Vonbank, Herrn Dr. Martin Nehrer und Herrn Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Nehrer finden die diesjährigen Ruster Sportärztetage inkl. Grundkurs LIP III statt. Die Grundkursausbildung im ÖÄK Diplom für Sportmedizin war immer ein wichtiger Teil im Konzept […]

7th International Public Health Conference

23. Mai 2018

28th to 30th August 2018, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia. It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 7th International Public Health Conference 2018 which will be held under the the theme “IR 4.0 & New Health Paradigm” in Kuala Lumpur from 28th – 30th August 2018. The conference is […]

34th World Congress of Internal Medicine

11. Mai 2018

18th to 21st October 2018, Cape Town, South Africa The 34th World Congress of internal medicine 2018 will be held in the beautiful city of Cape Town in South Africa, at the International Convention Centre from 18 to 21 October 2018. All aspects of internal medicine will be covered during […]

15th World Neonatal Healthcare Conference

10. Mai 2018

26th to 27th October 2018, Toronto, Canada. Pulsus Group announces the 15th World Neonatal Healthcare Conference with the innovative theme “Challenges and Innovative Approaches in Newborn Babies to Improve Health“ which will be hosted in Toronto, Ontario, Canada during October 26-27, 2018. We cordially welcome all the eminent researchers, students and delegates to take part […]

1. Symposium Advance Care Planning

8. Mai 2018
1.Symposium Advance Care Planning

15. Juni 2018, Wien, Österreich. Unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Herrn em. Prim. Univ.-Doz. Dr. Günther Weber findet das 1. Symposium Advance Care Planning am 15. Juni 2018 im Eagle HomeOne in Wien statt. Das Leitthema lautet: „Von der Patientenverfügung zur allumfassenden gemeinsamen Vorausplanung medizinischer Behandlung, Entwicklung und Perspektiven in […]

19th Annual Summer Conference on Women’s Health

4. Mai 2018

11th to 14th July, 2018, Big Island, Hawaii. Our 19th Annual Summer Conference on Women’s Health is designed to provide the most current clinical information about the care of the female patient to OB/GYNs, family physicians, nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, PAs, nurses and all other healthcare professionals involved with the care of […]

3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiac Surgery

4. Mai 2018

5th to 6th July 2018, Berlin, Germany. On behalf of the Organizing Committee of Cardiovascular 2017, we are delighted to be building the program again for the 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiac Surgery taking place on July 05-06, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. Our conference includes a well-balanced lineup of speakers, covering both broad and […]

6th Scientific Meeting of the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery

30. April 2018

22nd to 26th July 2018, Orlando, FL, USA.    The World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery (WSPCHS) is the largest professional organization in the world dedicated to pediatric and congenital cardiac surgery. On July 22-26, 2018, the 6th Scientific Meeting of the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery (WSPCHS […]

21. wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Public Health (ÖGPH)

9. April 2018

23. bis 24. Mai, Wien, Österreich. Die ÖGPH Jahrestagung 2018 findet kurz vor der Österreichischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft statt. Der Vorsitz forciert gesetzgeberische und politische Entscheidungen und vermittelt Kompromisse unter den Mitgliedstaaten. In verschiedenen Ressorts – so auch im Gesundheitsbereich – wurden Schwerpunkte für die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft formuliert. Was bedeuten diese auf EU-Ebene […]

8th International Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures

6. April 2018

11th to 12th June 2018, Barcelona, Spain. The 8th International Conference on Food Safety & Regulatory Measures is scheduled to be held during June 11-12, 2018 at Barcelona, Spain. It will coordinate all meetings with our editorial board members and other experts in food safety, food microbiology, food preservation, food biotechnology, food chemistry, food-borne […]