Diabetes Kongress 2018

31. Januar 2018

09. bis 12. Mai 2018, Berlin, Deutschland. Die Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG) lädt zum 53. Frühjahrskongress vom 9. bis 12. Mai 2018 nach Berlin ein. Das Motto „Wissenschaft und klinischer Fortschritt – gemeinsam in die Zukunft“ spiegelt die feste Überzeugung wider, dass ein wirklicher Fortschritt in der Behandlung und Versorgung […]

The 9th International Conference on Children’s Health and the Environment

31. Januar 2018

27th to 29th June 2018, Seoul, Korea. INCHES is an international network that promotes children’s health and environment. This requires protecting them from harmful environmental exposures. That is our mission! Which ideas come to your mind when you think about this? Which questions? What can we do better? From June 27-29, […]

1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health

31. Januar 2018

17th to 19th May 2018, Edinburgh, UK. The MERH 2018 Congress is hosted by an independent, non-profit making company working under the auspices of The University of Edinburgh, the European Public Health Association and NHS Health Scotland. We intend to deliver you a memorable, affordable, academic and social programme in one […]

2nd World Heart Congress

5. Januar 2018

14th to 16th May 2018, Tokyo, Japan. Conference Series LLC welcomes you to attend the 2nd World Heart Congress held during May 14-16, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan with the theme “A Changed Outlook in Cardiology and Healthcare.” This international meeting (Heart Congress 2018) anticipates hundreds of delegates including keynote speakers, oral […]

15th European Pathology Congress

4. Januar 2018

20th to 21st June 2018, Paris, France. We take this immense pleasure to formally notify you about the “15th European Pathology Congress“ (Euro Pathology 2018) during June 20-21 2018 @ Paris, France under the theme “Pathology: From Diagnosis to Patient Care”. Euro Pathology 2018 anticipates the participants around the globe […]

Wiener Bluttage 2018

4. Januar 2018

05. bis 07. April 2018, Wien, Österreich. In den letzten Jahren haben die Anforderungen an BlutdepotleiterInnen und -mitarbeiterInnen sowie klinisch tätige ÄrztInnen und TurnusärztInnen einerseits von legistischer Seite, andererseits auch durch Vorgaben der Spitalsträger in Bezug auf Qualitätssicherung und Ausbildung massiv zugenommen. Es ist mittlerweile in zahlreichen Studien nachgewiesen, dass […]

Jahrestagung der DeGPT

3. Januar 2018

01. bis 03. März 2018, Dresden, Deutschland. 20 Jahre Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie (DeGPT) erlaubt einen Rückblick und eine Standortbestimmung. War die Diagnose posttraumatischer Belastungsstörungen 1997 noch weitgehend unbekannt, belächelt oder abgelehnt, so ist sie heute ein allseits bekanntes, akzeptiertes Krankheitsbild. Der Begriff der Traumatisierung ist in der Gesellschaft angekommen. […]

2nd World Congress on Public Health and Health Care Management

3. Januar 2018

19th to 20th March 2018, London, UK. Scientific Federation invites participants from all over the world to attend the 2nd World Congress on Public Health and Health Care Management during March 19-20, 2018 in London, UK which includes keynote presentations, oral talks, poster presentations and exhibitions. The theme of the conference will be „Global Gathering to Improve […]

18th Annual Minimally Invasive Surgery Symposium (MISS)

5. Dezember 2017

6th to 9th March 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA. The 18th Annual Minimally Invasive Surgery Symposium (MISS) will offer compelling lectures, surgical video presentations, and lively discussion and debate by world-renowned experts on advanced laparoscopic techniques for managing metabolic disorders, hernia, foregut and diseases of the colon. MISS also offers […]

The 6th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy)

30. November 2017

21st to 23rd February 2018, Tel Aviv, Israel.   Over the years, our CODHy congress has provided an exclusive platform for excellent academic debates, providing a forum for international experts in the field of Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension to discuss and compare data. This unique congress format provides excellent exposure […]