POC Vienna 2016 – Prevention Models of Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases

15. September 2016

11th to 12th November 2016, Vienna, Austria. The WHO declared obesity – especially in children and adolescents – as the most challenging health problem of the 21st century. Recent data from more than 19 million participants indicate that if the post 2000 trends continue, by 2025 global obesity prevalence will […]

One Health EcoHealth 2016

15. September 2016

3rd to 7th December 2016, Melbourne, Australia. The Congress will be a ‘meeting of the minds’ for researchers, policy makers and practitioners who are working towards more integrated approaches and effective responses to complex global health challenges. The program brings together a formidable array of outstanding science, knowledge and expertise […]

BMJ Careers Fair

15. September 2016

21st to 22nd October 2016, London, United Kingdom. BMJ Careers Fair addresses doctors from all sectors, including primary and secondary care, industry and commercial, research and academic. As well as courses covering CV writing, interview skills, career planning and much more, delegates can also visit exhibition stands to receive careers advice, […]

Traditionelle Heilverfahren Südamerikas – Erlebnisvortragsabend

15. September 2016

07. Oktober 2016, München, Deutschland. Was verbindet die Welten der Schamanen mit Konzepten der Ganzheitsmedizin in unserer modernen Gesellschaft? Vorträge von Schamanen, Ärzten & Wissenschaftlern Südamerikas mit deutscher Übersetzung. Yatiris, die Okuirede Medizin und die drei schamanischen Welten sind die Themen der Vorträge am 7.10.2016 um 18:00 im Karl-Orff-Saal im […]

Endo Club Nord

15. September 2016

04. bis 05. November 2016, Hamburg, Deutschland.  Herzlich willkommen zu 25 Jahren ENDO CLUB NORD! Welche Techniken und Innovationen sind TOP und welche „alten Zöpfe“ können in Zukunft abgeschnitten werden? Antworten bekommen Sie wie in jedem Jahr auf dem ENDO CLUB NORD, der den neuesten Stand der Dinge im Lichte […]

Going USA 2016: Weiterbildung, Fellowship & Forschung

10. August 2016

7th October 2016, Vienna, Austria. Are you interested in medical continuing education and work in the USA? Are you interested in an Internship and Residency at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, USA? Going International and the Alumni Club of Medical University Vienna would like to invite you to attend this year’s Going […]

World Health Summit 2016

9. August 2016

9th to 11th October 2016, Berlin, Germany. Held once a year, the WHS has grown into the world’s most prominent forum for addressing global health issues. It brings together key leaders from academia, politics, civil society, and the private sector to address the most pressing health-related challenges on the planet. […]

16th International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference

9. August 2016

3rd to 6th October 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. The International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference – INDC 2016 is an international forum for scientific discussion focused on understanding the relationship and connections between nutrition and clinical diagnostics. The aim of this multidisciplinary conference is to bridge the gaps between the specialists […]

40. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie

29. Juli 2016

06. bis 08. Oktober 2016, Wien, Österreich. Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Pneumologie begeht heuer ein Jubiläum: In der Zeit vom 6. bis 8. Oktober 2016 findet die 40. Jahrestagung unserer Gesellschaft in Wien statt. Die Jahrestagung wird erneut fächerübergreifend im Sinne des interdisziplinären Austausches durchgeführt: Nun schon zum dritten Mal in […]

Hypertension Seoul 2016

7. Juli 2016

24th to 29th September 2016, Seoul, Korea. The 26th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) will be held in Seoul, Korea in collaboration with the 12th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Hypertension (APSH) and the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Hypertension (KSH). The […]