21. Linzer Reisemedizinische Tagung

27. Januar 2016

01. bis 02. April 2016, Linz, Österreich. Die 21. Linzer Reisemedizinische Tagung steht unter dem Motto  „Mission impossible – Herausforderungen an die moderne Reisemedizin“. Es erwarten Sie aktuelle Themen, hervorragende Referenten, stimulierende Diskussionen – und all das in einem angenehmen Ambiente einschließlich hervorragender Verpflegung (im Preis inbegriffen). Nach nunmehr 20 […]

5th Annual Global Healthcare Conference

25. Januar 2016

18th to 19th July 2016, Singapore. Conference Theme A healthy way of life should be every individual’s goal. However, healthcare privileges differ across societies and require the combined efforts of government, the private sector, the public and health workers themselves to ensure both the accessibility and affordability of healthcare services. […]

15. Internationaler Maritimer Kongress

10. Januar 2016

21. bis 26. Mai 2017, Alcudia, Mallorca, Spanien.   Unser Wissen um die Entstehung und Behandlung des Mammakarzinoms verdoppelt sich derzeit nahezu alle 2 Jahre und neue Strategien in der Diagnostik und Behandlung finden zunehmend Eingang in die klinische Praxis. Hierzu zählen vor allen Dingen neue Erkenntnisse in der bildgebenden und […]

CARS 2016

7. Januar 2016

21st to 25th June 2016, Heidelberg, Germany.          The CARS congress is the yearly event for a renowned international community of scientists, engineers and physicians to present and discuss the key innovations that shape modern medicine on a worldwide basis. Founded in 1985, CARS has played a […]

TAT 2016 – Congress on Targeted Anticancer Therapies

7. Januar 2016

21st to 23rd March 2016, Washington, D.C., USA.TAT Congress is a medium-sized annual meeting encompassing 3 days of plenary sessions, poster viewing sessions, special symposia, international faculty and excellent networking opportunities. It is held in Europe (odd years) and the USA (even years). This year the 14th International Congress on Targeted […]

10th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology

7. Januar 2016

17th to 20th March 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. We are proud to announce that the 10th anniversary World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) will take place in Lisbon. In recent years the field of neurology has witnessed enormous expansion in clinical and basic data. Conferences are more informative but there is often only limited […]

ITOC – 3rd Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference

7. Januar 2016

21st to 23rd March 2016, Munich, Germany.   ITOC (Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference) is the European meeting intended to provide a platform for preclinical and clinical researchers in the field of immunotherapy. The conference will offer a wide range of opportunities and tools to gain exposure to experts in various disciplines […]

PE Extrem – Innovative Personalentwicklung in außergewöhnlichen Kontexten

9. Dezember 2015

28. Jänner 2016, Wien, Österreich. Exzellente und qualitativ hochwertige Forschungsarbeit macht uns zu dem was wir sind – eine der führenden medizinischen Universitäten weltweit. Die MedUni Wien ist eine hochmoderne Forschungseinrichtung mit historischen Wurzeln, auf die wir seit über 650 Jahren zu Recht stolz sein dürfen. Gemeinsam mit Prof. Markus […]

IUHPE’s 22nd World Conference on Health Promotion

9. Dezember 2015

22nd to 26th May 2016, Curitiba, Brazil. IUHPE Conferences are renowned events bringing together leading professionals in all corners of the world to take stock of the present state of knowledge and experiences, bring forward future challenges and shape the agenda to advance developments in health promotion. The IUHPE organizes triennial […]

The Geneva Health Forum

9. Dezember 2015

19th to 21st April 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. The Geneva Health Forum (GHF), a biennial event launched in 2006 and held in spring, combines plenary and parallel sessions attended by hundreds of participants, with a large international exhibition area. Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) along with the Faculty of Medicine of the University […]