Fachtagung Wundmanagement

23. November 2015

4. Dezember 2015, Vösendorf, Österreich.   Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Es ist uns eine große Freude, Ihnen heuer zum dritten Mal die Fachtagung Wundmanagement, die am 4. Dezember 2015 erstmals im Austria Trend Eventhotel Pyramide in Vösendorf stattfinden wird, ankündigen zu dürfen. Um eine bestmögliche Wundversorgung gewährleisten zu können […]

Psychosomatische Grundversorgung

21. Oktober 2015

08. bis 14. Oktober 2016, Sylt, Deutschland. Kursinformation zum 50 Stunden Kompaktseminar / 15 Stunden Balintgruppenarbeit Nach dem Curriculum der Bundesärztekammer (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen Ärztekammern)  – anerkannt als Fortbildung und zum Erwerb der Zusatzbezeichnung Das Seminar Dieses Kompaktseminar basiert auf den Vorgaben und Empfehlungen der (Muster-)Weiterbildungsordnung der Bundesärztekammer zur PSYCHOSOMATISCHEN […]

EUPHA’s 6th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health

14. Oktober 2015

23rd to 25th June 2016, Oslo, Norway.   The EUPHA Section for Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health and The Norwegian Center for Minority Health Research (NAKMI) are hosting the 6th EUPHA Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health 2016 in Oslo. ‘Equity – the Policy Practice Gap in Health’ is […]

18th International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa

14. Oktober 2015

29th November to 4th December 2015, Harare, Zimbabwe. 18th ICASA Conference 2015 The conference theme “AIDS in Post 2015 Era: Linking Leadership, Science & Human Rights” engages the whole continent and all stakeholders in the post MDG framework, where sustainability of the response in reaching 90, 90, 90 of UNAIDS […]

18th European Health Forum Gastein – official conference start

28. September 2015

Start: 30th September 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. Today, 30 September 2015, the EHFG goes into its 18th round. The main theme “Securing Health in Europe. Balancing priorities, sharing responsibilities” goes far beyond straightforward health security topics, but covers areas as diverse as patient empowerment and e- and m-health, development cooperation, public health […]

8th European Public Health Conference

25. September 2015

 14th to 17th October 2015, Milan, Italy. Health in Europe – from global to local policies, methods and practices. The European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI) are pleased to invite you to the 8th European […]

17. Jahreskongress für Klinische Pharmakologie

23. September 2015

01. und 02. Oktober 2015, Köln, Deutschland. Der besondere Reiz dieses seit vielen Jahren etablierten Fachkongresses liegt in seiner Vielseitigkeit – ein „Blick über den Tellerrand“ auf höchstem Niveau. Klinische Pharmakologen und Pharmazeuten, Kliniker unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen, Universitäts-, Industrie- und Behördenvertreter geben Einblick in unterschiedlichste Arbeitsgebiete der Pharmakologie. Alle Informationen und […]

7th International Symposium Global Mental Health

3. September 2015

31. Oktober 2015, München, Deutschland. Mental Health in Developing Countries The CIHLMU Center for International Health, the Global Mental Health GroupLMU at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, and the International Network for Cooperation in Mental Health (i.nez), are organizing the 7th International Symposium on “Global Mental Health – Mental […]

European Health Award 2015: Shortlist announced!

25. August 2015

30th September to 02nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. Six cross-border health projects have now been short-listed for the prestigious European Health Award 2015. They cover topics such as migrant health, mental health, evidence-based health promotion, the European Patients‘ Rights Directive 2011/24/EU, TeleMedicine, cross-border inpatient treatment, and promotion of nutrition […]

XVII. Humanitarian Congress Berlin: Understanding Failure – Adjusting Practice

21. August 2015

9th and 10th October 2015, Berlin, Germany The Humanitarian Congress Berlin brings together about 700 international participants and distinguished speakers to discuss medical and political challenges in humanitarian aid. This year focuses on recognizing and responding to failure. Topics include the role of media in directing public attention, flight over […]