2. Fachtag Medikation im Alter

27. Juli 2015

9. Oktober 2015, Wien, Österreich. Ist weniger immer besser? Die medikamentöse Therapie im höheren Lebensalter stellt Ärztinnen und Ärzte oftmals vor große Herausforderungen – Anzahl und Art von Interaktionen und Nebenwirkungen sowie die damit verbundenen Risiken sind für klinisch tätige ÄrztInnen kaum mehr überschaubar. Vorrangiges Ziel des ärztlichen Handelns ist […]

Working together – for a healthy Europe!

24. Juli 2015

30th September to 2nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. High-level representatives and decision-makers from all over Europe and beyond, about 600 participants from all fields related to health policy making, a three day programme filled with invigorating discussions on how to keep Europe’s health systems secure and Europe’s citizens healthy. […]

28th ECNP Congress

24. Juli 2015

29th August to 1st September 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The ECNP Congress is Europe’s largest meeting on applied and translational neuroscience. Annually it brings together between 5,000 and 7,000 psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurologists and psychologists from around the world to discuss the latest developments in the science and treatment of disorders of […]

3rd European Health Literacy Conference

24. Juli 2015

17th to 19th November 2015, Brussels, Belgium. The 3rd European Health Literacy Conference will foster the exchange between researchers, practitioners and policy makers regarding health literacy during the life course, from various perspectives. During the Conference participants will share evidence-based actions and practices in the area of health literacy. The […]

XV World Congress of Arrhythmias

24. Juni 2015

17th to 20th September 2015, Beijing, China. With autumn comes the moment of harvest, it will also be a golden occasion in Beijing. In September 2015, notable experts and scholars of Arrhythmias all over the world will gather in Beijing to participate in the 15th World Congress of Arrhythmias. This […]

15th International Thyroid Congress (ITC)

23. Juni 2015

18th to 23rd October 2015, Orlando, USA. The ITC is a collaborative meeting held every fifth year by the four world thyroid associations: ATA, Asia-Oceania Thyroid Association (AOTA), European Thyroid Association (ETA), and Latin American Thyroid Society (LATS). Each society hosts the ITC on a rotating basis. In the year of […]

ESC Congress 2015

23. Juni 2015

29th August to 2nd September 2015, London, United Kingdom. “ The spotlight this year: Environment and the Heart“ The world’s largest and most influential cardiovascular event contributing to global awareness of the latest clinical trials and breakthrough discoveries. 5 days of scientific sessions 150 CV Topics 27 000+ healthcare professionals […]

EPSRC Congress 2015

23. Juni 2015

27th to 30th August 2015, Hamburg, Germany. This EPSRC meeting is meant to provide a valuable means of disseminating information and ideas through an informal and friendly atmosphere. This allows high quality discussion and interaction on evidence-based studies and translational research in all technical disciplines of plastic and reconstructive surgery, […]

18th European Health Forum Gastein – Sneak Preview

23. Juni 2015

30th September to 2nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. How can we work together on securing the health of all European citizens? Which priorities should we set – especially against a background of limited resources – and which international and intersectoral synergies can we form? These and other questions are […]

18. Ärztetage Velden

23. Juni 2015

23. bis 29. August 2015, Velden, Österreich. Praxisorientiert – Interaktiv – Intensiv Seit nunmehr 18 Jahren bieten Ihnen die Ärztetage Velden geballte Themenvielfalt in höchster Qualität. Das Themenangebot wird jährlich neu nach dem Motto praxisorientiert – interaktiv – intensiv – zusammengestellt. Das Gros der Fortbildung stellt der medizinischen Bereich, besonders die […]