Careum Congress 2014

12. November 2013

17th and 18th  March 2014, Basel, Switzerland «The power of patients 3.0» – Patients are changing the face of healthcare You are warmly invited to participate in the Careum Congress 2014 in Basel (17th/18th of March 2014) and swap ideas on up-to-date topics with international speakers and about 400 participants! […]

Gender, Ethnicity & Mental Health

14. November 2013

      13th December 2013, London, United Kingdom This one day conference will critically examine and debate the role of Gender and Ethnicity and its impact on Mental Health, so we can become more inclusive of these factors in practice and service delivery. This one day conference will bring […]

Report on the European Health Forum Gastein 2013

18. November 2013

The Gastein Health Outcomes The 16th edition of the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) held under the main title of “Resilient and Innovative Health Systems for Europe” in the Gastein Valley from 2nd to 4th October 2013, explored the relationship between austerity policies and necessary innovations in health care systems […]

onko. geriatrie Oberösterreich

16. Oktober 2013

31. Januar 2014, Linz, Österreich Was können Tumorzentren für geriatrische PatientInnen leisten? In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir erlebt, dass die zunehmende Spezialisierung in der Onkologie die Grenze des technisch Machbaren hinausschiebt. So sind manche Behandlungen wie die operative Behandlung von Metastasen oder Stammzelltransplantation mittlerweile auch bei älteren PatientenInnen selbstverständlich. […]

35th Anniversary of the Alma-Ata Primary Health Care Declaration Conference

17. Oktober 2013

6th and 7th November 2013, Almaty City, Kazakhstan Primary Health Care is the first level of a health care system whеrе people present their health problems and whеrе the majority of the population’s curative and preventive health needs are satisfied. Ever since the WHO/UNICEF Alma-Ata Declaration in 1978, strengthening the […]

4th EUSPR Conference – Understanding differences in prevention outcomes

18. Oktober 2013

13th to 15th November 2013, Paris, France It is well known that differences in health and wellbeing within and between populations are influenced by a range of biological and social factors. However, less attention has been given to identifying how differences in these factors may influence the experiences or outcomes […]

Gender Summit3 North America

29. August 2013

Diversity Fueling Excellence in Research& Innovation 13th  to 15th November, Washington D.C., USA  The aim of the 3rd Gender Summit, which is focused on North America, is to interconnect all relevant stakeholders in a Call to Action to achieve positive change towards greater diversity in the Science, Technology, Engineering and […]


12. September 2013

31. Oktober bis 2. November 2013, Hamburg, Deutschland   Innovativer Schwung für die Endoskopie! Die brillante optische Auflösung der neuesten Endoskop-Generation nähert sich der diagnostischen Genauigkeit der Histologie. Die Verfeinerung der Polypen-Klassifikation – hyperplastisch, adenomatös, serriert – zwingt den Endoskopiker, seine Sinne zu schärfen. Von japanischen Pionieren haben wir gelernt, […]

12. Europäischer Gesundheitskongress München

19. September 2013

10. und 11. Oktober, München, Deutschland Der 12. Europäische Gesundheitskongress München findet nach drei großen Wahlen statt: In Deutschland, in Bayern und in Österreich wird im Herbst entschieden. Entschieden wird auch, ob die Gesundheitspolitik weitergeführt wird – eventuell mit neuen Akzenten – oder ob es gar einen Kurswechsel gibt. Der […]

15th Humanitarian Congress Berlin

23. September 2013

    25th to 27th October 2013, Berlin, Germany Building on the success of last year’s congress, the XV. Humanitarian Congress Berlin to be held 25 – 27th October 2013 will unite more than 70 international experts in over 20 lectures, workshops, case studies and panel discussions. This year’s topic […]