6th European Public Health Conference

16. August 2013

13th to 16th November 2013,  Brussels, Belgium Health in Europe: are we there yet? Learning from the past, building the future The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) are pleased to invite you to the 6th joint conference […]

International Dementia Conference

24. September 2013

6th and 5th  November, Phoenix, USA Providing Cutting Edge Information and Training for Dementia Therapy Over the two days, delegates will have the opportunity to attend 8 interactive workshops and listen to some cutting edge speakers from the USA and UK. These include Dr Dan Nightingale, a leading dementia doctor […]

Fachtagung: Krankengeschichte

2. September 2013

12. November 2013,  Wien, Österreich NEU: ELGA & E-Medikation Rechtliche Fragen der Dokumentation im medizinischen Bereich, die Datensicherheit sowie die Übermittlung der Krankengeschichte etc. spielen im medizinischen Alltag eine wesentliche Rolle: In welchem Umfang ist zu dokumentieren? Wer hat das Recht, in die Krankengeschichte Einsicht zu nehmen? Darf man telefonische […]

Dementia Scotland 2013: a national priority

29. August 2013

21st October 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland Following the publication of Scotland’s second National Dementia Strategy in June 2013, this conference provides an excellent platform to consider the opportunities for its implementation. Working in association with Alzheimer Scotland, we are putting together a programme of outstanding speakers who will discuss how best […]

ESRA 2013

10. Juli 2013

      4th to 7th September, Glasgow, United Kingdom  State of the Art Safety Standards in Regional Anaesthesia Building on the success of last year’s Congress, the 32nd Annual ESRA Congress to be held in the vibrant city of Glasgow between the 4th and 7th of September 2013, will […]

Internationale Sportärztewoche

14. August 2013

1. bis 6. Dezember 2013,  Kaprun,  Österreich Sport als Therapie und Prävention Von 1. bis 6. Dezember 2013 findet nun bereits zum 29. Mal die Sportärztewoche, unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von OÄ Dr.  Karin Vonbank und Ass.-Prof. Univ.-Doz. Dr. Manuel Sabeti-Aschraf, im Active by Leitner´s Kaprun, statt und ist damit […]

16th European Health Forum Gastein

25. Juli 2013

    2nd to 4th October 2013, Bad Hofgastein, Austria Resilient and Innovative Health Systems for Europe The EHFG is the leading health policy conference in Europe. The main objective is to facilitate the establishment of a framework for advising and developing European health policy while recognising the principle of […]

Kongress Kardiologie-Pulmologie-Rehabilitation

5. Juli 2013

22. und 23. November 2013, Wien, Österreich Der Kongress Kardiologie – Pulmologie – Rehabilitation findet zum ersten Mal, unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Ass.-Prof. Harald Gabriel, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rochus Pokan, OÄ Dr. Karin Vonbank und Prim. Dr. Martin Trinker, MSc, in der Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien – Billrothhaus, statt. […]

2nd World Congress of Clinical Safety

10. Juli 2013

12th to 13th September, Heidelberg, Germany Risk in Clinical Care This academic congress is organized by IARMM and aims to improve and promote the science and technology of better safety in both risk and crisis management in health care. The congress covers a wide range of topics such as patient […]

XXI World Congress of Neurology

18. Juni 2013

21st to 26th September 2013, Vienna, Austria WCN 2013 – Neurology in the Age of Globalization Under the theme of ”Neurology in the Age of Globalisation”, the XXI World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2013) will provide neurologists from Europe and around the world a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and […]