Applications of MALDI-TOF Mass-Spectrometry in Clinical Microbiology

30. Dezember 2019

  16th to 18th March 2020, Madrid, Spain. This course aims to provide participants with the tools to do their best with their MALDI (Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization) instruments: methodology for new MALDI applications andanalytical tools for spectra analysis. The attendees will have the opportunity to interact with leading researchers in […]

Online Training on Climate and Health

30. Dezember 2019

anytime, online course. The course is structured to give participants a good understanding of the UN climate change negotiations and the main topics being discussed at COP25 and beyond, as well as how to include the health aspects of climate change in the UN climate negotiations. This course is addressed […]

24th Course in International Humanitarian Law (Ihl) for Humanitarian Professionals and Policy Makers

19. Dezember 2019

22nd to 27th March 2020, Naivasha, Kenya. The course will focus on international law and standards applicable during armed conflict. It is designed to help the participants to find, understand and apply that framework to achieve their professional humanitarian objectives. The course will cover the: Origins, structure, principles and rules […]

Ski the Summit@Copper: Echo Imaging in Colorado

19. Dezember 2019

1st to 5th March 2020, Copper, CO, USA. Ideally situated midway between Vail, Breckenridge, and Keystone, Copper Mountain is a family-friendly and more affordable option for a great week of skiing – along with the same outstanding and clinically focused faculty. This program will provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art […]

Technical Hospital Hygiene – Tricks of the Trade

29. November 2019

6th to 8th February 2020, Vienna, Austria. This course aims to train health care professionals in current infection prevention and control (IPC) practices focusing particularly on technical hygiene issues, including the inanimate hospital environment and reprocessing of medical devices, to prevent and reduce hospital acquired infection (HAI). This technical workshop supplies the […]

Winterkurs Expeditionsmedizin für Alpinärzte 2020

26. November 2019

18. bis 25. April 2020, Herbriggen im Wallis, Schweiz. Um als verantwortliche/-r Arzt oder Ärztin ein Trekking oder eine Expedition kompetent betreuen zu können, sind heute eine ganze Reihe von Qualifikationen notwendig. Neben profunden Kenntnissen in Allgemein-, Notfall- und Reisemedizin gilt dabei das Wissen um höhenbedingte Erkrankungen und deren Therapie als selbstverständlich. Aber was bringt der/die […]

Masterlehrgang GAIT – Ganganalyse und -rehabilitation

11. November 2019
FH St.Pölten

Start: Februar 2020, St. Pölten, Österreich. Werden Sie zur ExpertIn für Ganganalyse und -rehabilitation Der menschliche Gang spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der Mobilität und bei Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens. In die Diagnose und den Rehabilitationsprozess von Gangbeeinträchtigungen sind Expertinnen und Experten zahlreicher Fachbereiche involviert. Der europaweit einzigartige Masterlehrgang „GAIT […]

Seasonal influenza: An introduction

19. November 2019

Start: anytime, online course. Seasonal influenza is an acute viral disease of the respiratory tract transmitted via aerosols or contaminated surfaces from infected people. This course provides a general introduction to the disease through a short video lecture and quizzes to test your knowledge. It targets personnel involved in seasonal […]

TropPaed 2020 – 11. Intensivkurs Tropenpädiatrie und Globale Kindergesundheit

30. Oktober 2019

27. bis 31. Jänner 2019, Gießen, Deutschland. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, an unserem Intensivkurs für Tropenpädiatrie und Globale Kindergesundheit teilzunehmen. Der fünftägige Intensivkurs über Tropenpädiatrie und Globale Kindergesundheit findet seit 2010 jährlich statt, wird kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt und adressiert die wichtigsten medizinischen, interkulturellen, politischen und infrastrukturellen Herausforderungen der globalen Pädiatrie. […]

Wilderness Medical Society 2020 Winter Conference

28. Oktober 2019

29th February to 4th March 2020, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA. Sun Valley is where destination skiing was born. In addition to the opportunity to experience some of the best snowshoeing and skiing in the United States, conference highlights include: Up to 26.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM and FAWM core and elective credits. […]