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Universitätslehrgang Health Sciences & Leadership (MSc)

2. April 2019

Start: September 2019, Salzburg, Österreich. Wer den 6-semestrigen Universitätslehrgang „Health Sciences & Leadership“ an der PMU in Salzburg besucht, beschäftigt sich in Leadership mit Fragen wie: Wie möchte ich selbst geführt werden? Was ist mir wichtig? Und wie kann ich daraus meinen persönlichen Führungsstil ableiten? Darüber hinaus geht es um Themen […]

Meningitis: Introduction

1. April 2019

Start: anytime, online course. Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the lining surrounding the brain and the spinal cord. Public health concerns mainly focus on the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis, as it can cause large-scale epidemics. This course provides a general introduction to Meningitis and is intended for incident managers […]

Improving the Quality of Health Services

7. März 2019

7th to 17th October 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Improving the Quality of Health Services is a course that is designed to improve the conceptual and practical skills of health care professionals who are trying to assess and improve the quality of health services. Participants attending this course will learn an […]

Making Decentralization Work: Tools for Health Policy Makers and Managers

7. März 2019

29th July to 8th August 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Experienced Harvard faculty developed the workshop Making Decentralization Work: Tools for Health Policy Makers and Managers to better equip policy makers and managers to meet the challenges encountered designing, implementing and managing a health care decentralization transition. While both theory and practice will […]

Strengthening Human Resources for Health

7. März 2019

10th to 20th June 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Strengthening Human Resources for Health is a course that is designed to support prioritizing human resources development in reaching the WHO Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). It will provide new and innovative ways of addressing human resources policy […]

Universitätslehrgang Health Care Management mit der Vertiefung OP-Management

7. März 2019

Start: 8. April 2019, Krems an der Donau, Österreich. Die Prozesse im OP-Bereich sind hochkomplex und äußerst kostenintensiv. Um im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kostendruck und medizinischer Qualität zu bestehen, sind Krankenhäuser auf qualifizierte MitarbeiterInnen angewiesen, die in der Lage sind, für einen – auch aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht – optimalen Ablauf zu sorgen. Die Donau-Universität Krems bietet daher den ersten universitären Weiterbildungslehrgang […]

Antimicrobial Stewardship: Managing Antibiotic Resistance

28. Februar 2019

Start: anytime, online course. Designed for healthcare professionals, this six-week course will inform you about – and empower you to provide – safe high-quality antibiotic use. You’ll interact with colleagues globally to understand what antibiotic resistance means – and why the World Economic Forum has placed it alongside terrorism and […]

Expedition and Wilderness Medicine

28. Februar 2019

13th to 16th May 2019, Plas y Brenin, United Kingdom. An exciting 4-day Expedition and Wilderness Medicine course, which aims to open up the world of expedition medicine to all medical professionals and help you mix adventure into your career, will take place in Plas y Brenin, Wales. It is designed […]

Die Masterstudiengänge ANP und Pflegewissenschaft starten auch 2019 wieder durch!

7. Februar 2019
PMU Logo

Start: April 2019 @ Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität, Salzburg. „Wir können den Wind nicht ändern, aber wir können die Segel anders setzen.“ (Aristoteles) Krankenhäuser, noch vor zwei Jahrzehnten als beschützende Stätte der Heilung beschrieben, haben sich zu Zentren komprimierter medizinisch-pflegerisch-technischer Dienstleistungen gewandelt. Auch die Pflege ist gefordert, sich kritisch zu reflektieren, wissenschaftlich […]

Epidemiological Evaluation of Vaccines: Efficacy, Safety and Policy

1. Februar 2019

1st to 12th July 2019, London, United Kingdom. The Epidemiology of a Vaccine Epidemiological research has become an important tool in assessing vaccine protection. Although there are several courses specialising in vaccinology, there remains a gap in teaching about advanced epidemiological tools for vaccine evaluation. This short course fills that […]