International Medical Research and Practice

31. Januar 2018

1st to 14th July 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom. Modern medical practice is kept up-to-date by the important work of medical scientists. The two-week summer course for students aged 19 to 25 focuses on the factors that affect human health, and the development of cutting-edge medicines, treatments and vaccines. The field of medicine and its […]

Managing Depression in Primary Care

31. Januar 2018

5th May 2018, Sydney, Australia. This one-day training course on depression management is designed for health professionals in primary care to improve their skills in using psychological approaches and medications to treat patients with depression. Depression in Primary Care Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting around one […]

Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us

8. Januar 2018

Start: anytime, online course. The vital signs – heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and pain – communicate important information about the physiological status of the human body. In this six-part course we explore the anatomy and physiology underlying the vital signs so that you will develop a […]

Spring School of Global Health 2018

8. Januar 2018

9th to 13th April 2018, Geneva, Switzerland. Spring School of Global Health 2018 – the unique and flexible structure of the one week program allows participants to gain a comprehensive knowledge base in global health while providing a strong global health focused platform to engage and strengthen professional networks. Participants of […]

Preparing for (Re-)Emerging Arbovirus Infections in Europe

3. Januar 2018

21st to 23rd March 2018, Bucharest, Romania. The aim of the course is to improve the participant’s knowledge of identification and management of arbovirus (arthropod-borne virus) infections and outbreaks at local and European levels. This course is part of the EU-PREPARE partnership, aimed at strengthening European preparedness for (re-)emerging infectious […]

Universitätslehrgang Kontinenz- und Stomaberatung

5. Dezember 2017

Start: März 2018, Krems, Österreich. Für Erkrankte und ihre Angehörigen bringt das Leben mit dem Stoma große Veränderungen und Nöte in den Alltag. Die Stomaanlage greift grundlegend in die physische und psychische Befindlichkeit des Menschen ein. Morphologische und funktionelle Komplikationen und die auch häufige Tabuisierung des vermeintlichen Makels, lassen Menschen […]

Mountain Medicine Course in Nepal

4. Dezember 2017

22nd April to 9th May 2018, Kathmandu, Nepal. The ultimate mountain medicine course, which follows the Everest Base Camp Trail up the Khumbu valley to the base camp itself, situated in the shadow of the world’s most iconic peak. During the 17-day course you will follow the Everest Base Camp Trail […]

Risk Communication Essentials – Get Social!

30. November 2017

Start: anytime, Online Course. Welcome to the online course on risk communication, a core public health intervention in any disease outbreak and health emergency. Risk communication refers to the real-time exchange of information, advice and opinions between experts, officials and people who face a threat to their wellbeing, to enable […]

Englisch kommunizieren im klinischen Alltag – Grundkurs 2018

30. November 2017

Start: 18.01.2018, Nürnberg, Deutschland. Die englische Sprache gewinnt auch im klinischen Alltag immer mehr an Bedeutung. Häufig erfolgen Anfragen telefonisch oder per E-Mail auf Englisch und es gibt immer mehr PatientInnen, mit denen eine Kommunikation nur auf Englisch erfolgen kann. Sie möchten diese Anfragen gerne selbst souverän, schnell und sicher […]

Health Economics for Public Health Practice & Research

29. November 2017

19th to 21st March 2018, Bangor, United Kingdom. At the end of this short course delegates will have gained an appreciation of the concepts, methods and application of health economics to public health, be able to critically appraise a published economic evaluation of a public health intervention and feel confident […]