Obstetrics Unplugged

15. September 2016

7th to 9th October 2016, Herrenberg, Germany. Humanitarian aid workers that are sent on international disaster missions are often confronted with pregnant women and women giving birth. Important decisions regarding the well-being of mother and child have to be made without suitable instruments or any other support. For those aidworkers […]

International Course in Cruise Ship Medicine 2016

15. September 2016

17th to 21st October 2016, London, United Kingdom.  Medical Ship Management is now organizing its inaugural International Course in Cruise Ship Medicine. The course covers all important aspects of Maritime Cruise Medicine, focusing on the specific requirements expected of ship’s physicians on board cruise ships. In addition, practical training on […]


15. September 2016

18. November 2016, Würzburg, Deutschland.   INTUS steht für „Interdisziplinäres Trainings- und Simulationszentrum“. Am Universitätsklinikum Würzburg ist eine bislang einmalige Aus- und Weiterbildungsplattform für operative und interventionelle Verfahren in der Medizin entstanden. Zielgruppe der Veranstaltung sind Ärzte in der Ausbildungsphase der pneumologischen Endoskopie. Im Rahmen dreier Hands-on-Workshops wird neben dem […]

Disclosing Unanticipated Medical Outcomes: Train-the-trainer

14. September 2016

24th to 26th October 2016, Victoria, BC, USA. When there are adverse events and outcomes in a patient’s care, providers’ responses have a powerful effect on all the parties’ ability to communicate about and resolve the situation satisfactorily. Accrediting bodies, professional organizations, state legislatures and research findings all encourage forthrightness […]

EpidM Winter Courses in Epidemiology 2017

13. September 2016

Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Netherlands. In 2017 EpidM organizes for the fifth time the Winter Courses in Epidemiology. From 11th to 27th January 2017 EpidM offers a very interesting program which covers courses in Mixed Model Analysis, Clinimetrics, Clinical Prediction Models and Missing Data. […]

Public Health Research in Practice: Public health interventions in real-life settings – Evaluation

10. August 2016

24th to 25th October 2016, Wageningen, The Netherlands. In the past ten years, Academic Collaborative Centres (ACC) have been established to bridge the gap between the fields of policy, practice and research. These ACCs are consortia of Public Health Services and Universities in the Netherlands. At present there are nine […]

Workshop in Visceral Trauma Surgery

8. August 2016

19th to 20th September 2016, Graz, Austria. The next Workshop in Visceral Trauma Surgery – Definitive Surgery for Trauma Care-DSTCTM – unique in Austria – will be held at the Section for Surgical Research, Medical University of Graz, with a distinguished faculty including international experts. This workshop is designed to review state-of-the-art information […]

Understanding Dementia

7. Juli 2016

Start: 30. August 2016, free online course. In response to the recent dramatic rise in the global incidence of dementia and the subsequent need for quality dementia education, this course is designed to provide understanding to improve the quality of life across the trajectory of dementia for people with the […]

Workshops Sexualmedizin

30. Juni 2016

12. bis 16. September 2016, Wien, Österreich. Workshops finden im Rahmen der sexualmedizinischen Woche in Wien statt ÄrztInnen werden von ihren PatientInnen zu Themen, die ihr Fachgebiet betreffen, immer als die ersten AnsprechpartnerInnen für sexuelle Fragestellungen gesehen. Durch den Besuch dieser Workshops werden Sie auch zu kompetenten AnsprechpartnerInnen. Sie gewinnen […]

Magister-Studiengang Gesundheitswissenschaften

20. Juni 2016

Start: Herbst 2016, Hall in Tirol, Österreich. Im Herbst 2016 startet der nächste Magister-Studiengang Gesundheitswissenschaften an der UMIT – University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology in Hall in Tirol, Österreich. Bewerbungen sind ab sofort möglich. Als Europas modernste Gesundheitsuniversität hat sich die UMIT – Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizinische Informatik […]