International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance

1. April 2016

5th June to 1st July 2016, New York City, USA. In order to enable humanitarian aid workers who are actively engaged in the field to attend the training program, and in an attempt to create a teaching program which reflects the complexity and intensity of the conditions humanitarian workers face, the IDHA […]

Universitätslehrgang Health Sciences & Leadership (MSc)

11. März 2016

Start: September 2016, Salzburg, Österreich. Unter dem Motto erwerben Sie im Verlauf dieses berufsbegleitenden Universitätslehrgangs wissenschaftlich fundiertes Wissen und Know-how in den Bereichen  Health Sciences, Leadership und Management. Alle Inhalte sind konsequent abgestimmt auf das Gesundheitswesen und seine Charakteristika, alle Vortragenden haben facheinschlägige Erfahrung. Zwei Schwerpunktthemen stellen Change Management […]

Health in Context: A Course in Multilevel Modelling

8. März 2016

11th to 15th April 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands. About Multilevel Modelling  Public health and health services research increasingly uses a statistical technique called multilevel modelling or multilevel analysis (MLA). Pioneering development of MLA methodology has been in education where researchers have been interested in studies examining how pupil outcomes (such as […]

Echo in Africa

1. März 2016

Start: 9th May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa. Echo in Africa is a collaborative project between the British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) and SUNheart which takes place at Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town South Africa. Now in its third year, BSE members are invited to volunteer to take part in […]

Study at Radboud University!

29. Februar 2016

About Radboud University and the Faculty of Medical Sciences The Netherlands are a very international, open minded country. We welcome international students and visitors from all over the world! Radboud University is a student-oriented university, where you can assure yourself of a top-flight education. In our educational approach individual responsibility, independence […]

Echo- und Dopplersonographiekurse

12. Februar 2016

Start: Februar 2016, Salzburg, Österreich. Neben Vorträgen für PatientInnen zu gesundheitspolitisch relevanten Themen wie Osteoporose, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und Bluthochdruck kann beim Verein zur Fortbildung für PatientInnen, ÄrztInnen und Assistenzpersonal (VFPAA) die Aus- und Fortbildung für Echo- und Dopplersonographie absolviert werden. Der Verein wird von OÄ Dr. Barbara Dietze, Fachärztin für Innere […]

SHE – School of Health Professions Education

11. Februar 2016

Who’s SHE The Maastricht School of Health Professions Education (SHE) in the Netherlands is a graduate school for education, research and innovation in health professions education. SHE provides high quality multidisciplinary research and teaching aimed at the improvement of health professions education. SHE designs courses to innovate health professions and […]

ECCRT – European Centre for Clinical Research Training

11. Februar 2016

Mission Our mission is to provide clinical research professionals with competencies to develop new therapies for patients quicker & more efficient, without jeopardizing quality. The ECCRT is a professional clinical research training provider focussing on the transfer of implementable knowledge in the day-to-day activities of our participants. We are not […]

Global Perspectives in Nursing

22. Januar 2016

Start: 2nd July 2016, Cordoba, Argentina. In 2001 Argentina experienced the worst economic collapse of its history, yet since then, the country has been on a path to economic growth and social inclusion. Over the last several years, there has been a concerted effort to provide care to those without […]

Master of Public Health

18. Januar 2016

Start: September 2016, Burnaby, Canada. The Master of Public Health (MPH) program is a practice-based graduate degree that trains students in a breadth of research and practice intended to improve population health. It is the first Anglophone program in Canada to be accredited by the Council on Education for Public […]