Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

22. Januar 2014

free online course, sign up here.  organised by the University of California San Francisco This course covers the basics of normal nutrition for optimal health outcomes and evidence-based diets for a variety of diseases. Participants will learn the fundamentals of nutrition science and build upon these to explore emerging diet therapies, […]

Leadership for Public Health in Europe (LEPHIE)

20. Januar 2014

14. April bis 20. Juni , 2014, Brüssel, Belgien       Continuous Professional Development Course for Public Health and Health Care Professionals The sessions include topics such as: leadership theories, systems thinking, political leadership and collaborative leadership: building and leading interdisciplinary teams, leadership and communication, leading change, emotional intelligence and leadership in […]

Primary Care Refresher: South Pacific CME Cruise

22. Januar 2014

1st to 12th March, 2014,Tahiti and Cook Island Cruise            Sessions will focus on current management strategies for a variety of medical conditions seen in primary care medicine. This course has been designed for family physicians, specialists and allied health professionals. BCMJ and Sea Courses are partnering […]

So you think you want to be a relief worker?

22. Januar 2014

22nd March 2014, London, United Kingdom This one-day workshop is an essential introduction for anyone interested in a career in the humanitarian sector. You will hear first hand experiences from relief workers, learn about the nature of humanitarian relief, and look at the skills you have to bring to the […]

Diabetes – a Global Challenge

22. Januar 2014

free online course, sign up here. 24th March 2014, University of Copenhagen Diabetes is a growing health problem in rich and poor countries alike. With this course you will get updated on cutting-edge diabetes research including biological, genetic and clinical aspects as well as prevention and epidemiology of diabetes. All […]

Online Course in Scientific Writing

13. Dezember 2013

Duke University Scientific Writing Resource Why is writing important in science? Writing is the most common form of scientific communication, yet scientists have a reputation for being poor writers. Why? One reason could be that writing is never really taught to scientists. Better writing will benefit your science career in […]

Einladung zum Infoabend Universitätslehrgang „Transkulturelle Medizin und Diversity Care“

11. Dezember 2013

Interkulturelle Kompetenz stärken. Der bislang im europäischen Raum einzigartige Master-Lehrgang Transkulturelle Medizin und Diversity Care vermittelt fundiertes und praxisorientiertes Fachwissen aus Medical Anthropology, Transkultureller Psychiatrie sowie Gender- und Migrationsforschung. Er startet im März 2014. Details zu den Themenschwerpunkten gibt es im Rahmen eines Infoabends am 16. Jänner 2014, veranstaltet vom […]

Weiterbildung: Spezielle Schmerztherapie

12. November 2013

      Der Kurs besteht aus 80 Unterrichtseinheiten, entsprechend den Inhalten des Kursbuches “Spezielle Schmerztherapie” der Bundesärztekammer. Ein Kurs unterteilt sich in 3 Module. Die jeweiligen Termine können Sie der Terminübersicht in der rechten Spalten entnehmen. Detaillierte Informationen zum Kursablauf finden Sie auch in diesem Programm. Projektleitung PD Dr. Peter […]

7. Zertifizierter Fortbildungskurs “Spezielle Schmerztherapie”

12. November 2013

01. bis 08.02.2014, Notttwil & Luzern, Schweiz Zertifizierter Fortbildungskurs (80-Stunden Curriculum) zum Erlangen des Zusatztitels “Spezielle Schmerztherapie“. Der Kurs entspricht dem Mustestcurriculum der Bundesärztekammer und ist durch die Bezirksärztekammer Nordbaden zur Erlangung der Zusatzbezeichung “Spezielle Schmerztherapie” zertifiziert. Dadurch wird das Zertifikat des Kurses durch die Deutschen Bezirksärztekammern anerkannt. Der Kurs […]

Paediatrics and Child Health MSc | PG Cert | PG Dip

12. November 2013

This part-time programme has been designed to be applicable to students with a wide range of background skills in paediatrics, who require a detailed understanding of: core research methodologies critical evaluation evidence-based approaches early life origins and scientific basis of childhood disease innovations in diagnosis and treatment within paediatrics The […]