Foresight Approaches in Global Public Health

6. Juli 2023

Self-paced, online. The course “Foresight Approaches in Global Public Health” provides an overview of various methods and tools that can be used to understand emerging trends and changes with a futuristic lens and to explore their potential impacts on global public health. Foresight creates space for thinking about new opportunities […]

Wilderness Medicine CME- Santiago, Chile

6. Juli 2023

29th September to 1st October 2023, Santiago, Chile. MP is designed for medical professionals of all levels (MD, EMT, PA, NP, RN, etc) that have an interest in expanding their knowledge of wilderness medicine pathology and enhancing their practical skills in a wilderness environment. During this  in-person course, students will […]

H.E.L.P. in Tokyo 2023

6. Juli 2023

4th to 15th September 2023, Tokyo, Japan. The H.E.L.P. in Tokyo 2023 seeks to train professionals in the principles and practice of humanitarian action in response to disasters and major health crisis, with a focus on health needs, public health and healthcare responses, humanitarian law and ethics; and contribute to […]

Magnetic Resonance Image Guided Radiotherapy (MRIgRT)

6. Juli 2023

25th to 26th September 2023, London, Great Britain. An opportunity to broaden your understanding of the capabilities and potential of MRI guidance in radiotherapy planning and treatment verification. We invite you to join us to hear from leading practitioners in the field, develop skills and share knowledge with other professionals […]

Analysing Disrupted Health Systems (ADHS)

7. Juni 2023

14th to 25th August 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands. If you are a health professional working in or with countries in crisis, working as health personnel in government institutions, NGOs, UN agencies and humanitarian organisations or as an independent consultant, then this course is intended for you. This 10-day residential training programme for health […]

H1 KÖRPERSPRACHE UND KÖRPERAUSDRUCK – im Beruf erkennen und nutzen

7. Juni 2023

15. bis 16. November 2023, Salzburg, Österreich. Die menschliche Kommunikation besteht aus einem bewussten und einem unbewussten Anteil. Im ersten Fall handelt es sich zum größten Teil um verbale, im zweiten um nicht-verbale Kommunikation wie Haltung, Gestik, Mimik, Tonfall usw. Der nichtsprachliche – überwiegend unbewusste – Anteil vermittelt vor allem […]

Die Fortbildung für FachärztInnen der Nephrologie

7. Juni 2023

8. bis 9. September 2023, Zürich, Schweiz und online. Das Kursformat bietet in 2 Tagen ein umfassendes und wissenschaftliches Update über alle relevanten Themenbereiche und Leitlinien der Nephrologie. Das neutrale und praxisrelevante Fortbildungsprogramm berücksichtigt wesentliche Entwicklungen, Trends und Studien der letzten 12 Monate. Unsere Referierenden sind ausgewiesene Fachpersonen in Ihrem […]

Health Care Economics

7. Juni 2023

9th August to 20th September 2023, online. What are the primary drivers of rising health care costs? How does money shape your decision-making as a patient? As a provider? As a payer? Even for those within the health care industry, the economics of the United States health care system are […]

Identifying and navigating ethical issues in public health

12. Mai 2023

21st to 23rd August 2023, Lugano Switzerland or online. Public health policy, practice, and research entail numerous ethical challenges. How should one decide what the right thing to do is? This course will equip participants with the tools, skills, and know-how that are necessary to assess and deal with ethical […]

Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs

12. Mai 2023

Self-paced, online. Despite medical and technological advances, half of the world’s population lacks access to essential health services, and over 8.9 million preventable deaths occur every year. There is an acute global shortage of health workers, a gap that will grow to 18 million by 2030. Studies show that training […]