Conservation Medicine, a ‘One Medicine’ Course

30. Juli 2018

2nd to 9th December 2018, Namibia, Africa. Join World Extreme Medicine and the N/a’an ku sê Foundation for a new and unique course, conservation medicine, exploring amazing work of conservation projects and what is required to take your medical skills into the wild. The Conservation Medicine course is open to both […]

Public Health Research in Palliative Care: Shifting the Paradigm

30. Juli 2018

25th to 26th October 2018, Brussels, Belgium. On 25th and 26th October 2018, the EAPC (European Association for Palliative Care) Reference Group on Public Health and Palliative Care and EAPC RN (Research Network) will hold their first international seminar on Public Health Research in Palliative Care in Brussels. The title of […]

3rd Annual Surgical Pathology Update: Diagnostic Pearls for the Practicing Pathologist

25. Juli 2018

1st to 3rd November 2018, Scottsdale, AZ, USA. This seminar is meant to provide the practicing pathologist with an up-to-date and comprehensive review of a variety of topics in surgical pathology and cytopathology including gastrointestinal, genitourinary, soft tissue, gynecologic and dermato-pathology. In some areas, emphasis will be placed on correlation […]

Trackling Complexity in Medicine and Public Health Using Large Databases

12. Juli 2018

22nd to 25th October 2018, Rome, Italy. This workshop will provide participants with an understanding of the theoretical foundation and practical skills necessary to apply qualitative methods for population health research. There is no previous knowledge of qualitative research needed. All participants are welcome, including public health professionals, graduate students […]

5. Kongress Ganzheitliche Schmerztherapie 2018

5. Juli 2018

6. Oktober 2018, Wien, Österreich. Der 5. Kongress Ganzheitliche Schmerztherapie findet am 6.10.2018 unter dem Hauptthema „Schmerz im höheren Lebensalter“ statt. Infolge der stetigen Zunahme des Anteils von Personen über 65 Jahren an der Gesamtbevölkerung, werden künftig chronische Schmerzzustände – vor allem diejenigen, die auf degenerative Prozesse zurückzuführen sind – […]

Ihr Studium zum Erfolg – Masterstudium Pflegewissenschaft

29. Juni 2018
Master-Studium Pflegewissenschaft an der UMIT in Hall in Tirol

Beginn: Herbst 2018, Hall in Tirol, Österreich. Das Department für Pflegewissenschaft und Gerontologie an der UMIT in Hall in Tirol bietet mit dem Masterstudium Pflegewissenschaft eine fundierte pflegewissenschaftliche und zugleich auch pflegefachspezifische Ausbildung. Im Rahmen des Studiums können Sie bereits erworbene Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten vertiefen. Im Schwerpunkt Advanced Nursing Practice […]

11th World Pediatric Congress

29. Juni 2018

16th to 17th August 2018, Singapore. Conference Series llc LTD is delighted to invite you to attend the 11th World Pediatric Congress which is to be held in Singapore on August 16-17, 2018. The Pediatric Congress 2018 will be an innovative and invigorating international conference reflecting the direction of pediatrics in the 21st century in a […]

Short Course in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Research Skills

28. Juni 2018

24th September 2018 to 20th November 2018, Oxford, UK. This course will prepare you to develop a comprehensive proposal for research that can be carried out in a clinical setting. The short course in advanced skills, research skills, is a standalone course, making the training an affordable way to update […]

My Extraordinary Erasmus Exchange in Paris

28. Juni 2018

by Angelika Starzer. As a person who has always been fond of the idea of studying abroad and experiencing different educational systems I decided to apply for an Erasmus exchange during my 5th year at the medical school in Vienna, Austria. During grammar school I had learned French for several […]

Weltkongress der Ganzheitsmedizin mit Heilern, Schamanen und Therapeuten aus aller Welt

26. Juni 2018

10. bis 12. Mai 2019, München, Deutschland. Die Heiltraditionen alter Kulturen und indigener Völker bieten einen reichhaltigen Wissensschatz und greifen auf jahrtausendealte Erfahrungen zurück. Sie erfahren praktisches Wissen und Rituale und schlagen so den Bogen von den traditionellen Heilverfahren zur heutigen Ganzheitsmedizin. Der Kongress steht für alle Interessenten offen und lädt auch Vertreter […]