Invitation to the United Nations in Vienna – Without Leaving Home

3. Februar 2021
United Nations

by appointment, online. Are you curious about what the UN is doing to make a better world? Would you like to find out more about how the UN made its home in Vienna, one of the four global UN headquarters? Are you an engaged citizen wondering how we can achieve […]

Health at a Glance 2020: Public Health Issues Part 2
Air Pollution and Its Impact on Health in Europe

20. Januar 2021

This chapter reviews the health and welfare impacts of air pollution in Europe. Although air pollution has decreased in most European countries over the past two decades, it remains above WHO guidelines in most countries, particularly in some large Central and Eastern European cities. This has serious consequences on people’s […]

Health at a Glance 2020: Public Health Issues Part 1
How resilient have European health systems been to the COVID‑19 crisis?

28. Dezember 2020
Health at a Glance 2020

This contribution provides an initial assessment of the impact of COVID‑19 and theresilience of European health systems to the pandemic, bearing in mind that thepandemic is ongoing and so any definitive assessment would be premature. Since late 2019, the COVID‑19 outbreak has spread to become the most serious pandemic in […]

Gewinner des Austrian Health Leadership Awards sind bekannt!

15. Dezember 2020

Das European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz, freute sich, am 14. Dezember die Gewinner des diesjährigen Austrian Health Leadership Award im Rahmen einer online Preisverleihung bekanntzugeben. In diesem Jahr richtete sich die Ausschreibung des Austrian Health Leadership Awards an non-profit […]

Blog: New Partnership Models for Rare Diseases

4. Februar 2022

by Bianca Cucos. Each year, the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) provides a key platform to discuss health and societal well-being in Europe and beyond, bringing together experts, stakeholders and key decision-makers from the public and private sector, civil society and science and academia. On the occasion of the 24th EHFG, the […]

Community-based tuberculosis screening policies in the 30 high-burden countries

17. November 2020

by Olivia Biermann. Worldwide, 30 countries account for almost 90% of the global tuberculosis burden. Ending tuberculosis (TB) will require early detection of people with TB, and active case-finding is one strategy for doing so. In this new study, researchers at the Department of Global Public Health shed light on […]

World AIDS Day 2020: Rock the Ribbon

2. November 2020

1st December 2020, worldwide. World AIDS Day takes place on 1st December each year. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. Founded in 1988, World […]

Preisausschreibung: Austrian Health Leadership Award 2020

8. Oktober 2020

Bewerbungsschluss: 23. Oktober 2020. 2020 ist ein Jahr, das eine schier endlose Palette an Herausforderungen für unsere Gesellschaft, unsere Wirtschaft, und nicht zuletzt unsere Gesundheit und Gesundheitssysteme bereithielt und -hält. Aus diesem Grund sucht das European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), gemeinsam mit dem Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz, jetzt Vordenkerinnen […]

Think of World Food Day in all UN Member States on 16th of October!

6. Oktober 2020
UN World Food Day

16th of October 2020, all UN member states. After decades of steady decline, world hunger has slowly been on the rise since 2015. An estimated 821 million people in the world suffered from hunger in 2018. If nothing changes, the immense challenge of achieving the Zero Hunger Target by 2030 […]

EHFG 2020: Registration Is Open for the Online Conference

11. September 2020

30th September to 3rd October 2020, online conference. The European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is pleased to share the conference programme of the EHFG 2020 and extend a warm invitation to register for this year’s digital conference taking place from 30 September to 2 October 2020. The EHFG 2020 will be held under […]