Travelers’ Health – Mobile Apps

8. Februar 2016

2016 Yellow Book CDC Health Information for International Travel (commonly called the Yellow Book) is published every two years by CDC as a reference for those who advise international travelers about health risks. The Yellow Book is written primarily for health professionals, although others will find it useful. Key Features […]


11. Januar 2016

    With the term “healthcare” in mind, one tends to think that only the best designers and engineers are hired to work in this field, building only the best and most usable websites and applications available on the market. Meanwhile in the real world they do not (most of […]

Public Health Challenges: A Look Back, a Look Ahead

15. Dezember 2015

The end of 2015 is slowly approaching, and it surely has been a memorable year, both for European politics in general and for healthcare politics on a national and international level. The predominant topic on policy-makers’ agendas, especially during the last months, has been the refugee crisis.   The challenges […]

Symptom-based Integrated Approach to the Adult in Primary Care – Primary Care 101

10. Dezember 2015

  What is Primary Care 101? Primary Care 101 is a symptom-based integrated clinical management guideline using an algorithmic approach for the management of common symptoms and chronic conditions in adults. The guidelines are intended for use by all health care practitioners working at primary care level in South Africa. […]

World Malaria Report 2015

10. Dezember 2015

The World Malaria Report 2015 summarizes information received from malaria-endemic countries and other sources, and updates the analyses presented in the 2014 report. The World Malaria Report is WHO’s flagship malaria publication, released each year in December. It assesses global and regional malaria trends, highlights progress towards global targets, and describes opportunities […]

The EU in Global Health Governance

19. November 2015

The EU supports the World Health Organisation as the leading authority on global health in the United Nations system. -The EU speaks with one voice in WHO’s governing bodies. The Commission and the Member States establish a single EU position for delivery at WHO. The Commission cooperates with WHO Secretariat […]

OCHA – United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

19. November 2015

OCHA is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA also ensures there is a framework within which each actor can contribute to the overall response effort. OCHA’s mission is to: – Mobilize and coordinate effective and principled […]


16. November 2015

  Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Laut der seit 01.07.2015 in Kraft getretenen neuen ÄrztInnenausbildungsordnung, ist es für Kolleginnen und Kollegen, welche sich für die Karriere als Allgemeinmediziner entscheiden, verpflichtend nach der Basisausbildung und dem Spitalsturnus, 6 Monate Erfahrung in einer Lehrpraxis zu sammeln. Hier sind erfahrene, motivierte und lehrbereite sowie begabte Kolleginnen […]

European Health Forum Gastein 2015 – Conference Outcomes

27. Oktober 2015

KEY OUTCOMES OF THE EHFG 2015 – This is not a refugee crisis, this is a reception crisis. Human mobility is the new norm in our increasingly globalised world. – We need “more Europe” – deeper cooperation – to develop a comprehensive, sustainable and collective strategy to respond to the […]

Praxistipps zu Prozessmanagement im Gesundheitswesen

24. September 2015

Aktuelles Handbuch erläutert die praktische Anwendung der ÖNORM K 1960. Ende 2014 wurde mit der ÖNORM K 1960 erstmals ein allgemein gültiges Referenzmodell zur Umsetzung und Bewertung von Prozessen im Gesundheitswesen publiziert. Ende August 2015 ist im Verlag von Austrian Standards dazu das Praxishandbuch “Prozessmanagement im Gesundheitswesen” erschienen. Allgemein gültiges Referenzmodell Die […]