Plans for humanitarian assistance to protracted emergencies

29. April 2015

2015 WHO Humanitarian Response: Summary of health priorities and WHO projects in interagency strategic response plans for humanitarian assistance to protracted emergencies In 2014, WHO and humanitarian health partners responded to an unprecedented number of concurrent major humanitarian crises. Fuelled by conflict, the crises in the Central African Republic, Iraq, […]

e-Nable: Give The World A Helping Hand

12. März 2015

e-NABLE is a global network of volunteers who are using their 3D printers, design skills, and personal time to create free 3D printed prosthetic hands for those in need  – with the goal of providing them to underserved populations around the world. When the e-NABLE community first began in 2013, it […]

Main theme of the 18th European Health Forum Gastein

25. März 2015

  30th September to 2nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria This month we are excited to share the main theme for this year’s conference with you: Securing Health in Europe Balancing priorities, sharing responsibilities Current health systems need to safeguard past gains in health while responding to new threats and opportunities which […]

Communication Tips – Honest Language

23. März 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a medical professional who uses a foreign language at work? Boost your professional interactions by trying the following tips. How you say things can be as important as what you say.  You are more likely to have effective and satisfying consultations with […]

MedAT – Aufnahmeverfahren Medizin

2. März 2015

Anmeldung von 02. bis 31. März 2015, online Ab sofort beginnt die Anmeldung für das Studium der Medizin, Veterinärmedizin, und zum Beispiel Psychologie. Einheitlich sind sowohl die Fristen als auch die Aufnahmetests für das Medizinstudium. Wer 2015/16 seine Ausbildung an der Medizin-Uni Wien, MedUni Graz oder MedUni Innsbruck bzw. an der […]

EHFG 2014 Conference Report

19. Februar 2015

European Health Forum Gastein 2014 Conference Report Electing health – the Europe we want! We are pleased to share the finalised Conference Report from last year’s EHFG with you. For those who took part as well as those who missed it, the report captures what happened during three eventful days […]

Call for Submissions – APHA Global Public Health Film Festival

25. Februar 2015

Deadline: 24th April 2015 Meeting theme: Health in All Policies The Global Public Health Film Festival features public health films of all varieties (feature films, documentaries, narratives, public service announcements, educational videos, short clips, etc.) and related multimedia that demonstrate, educate, inspire, and encourage change for a healthier future. The […]

Blog Medizinethnologie startet mit Beitragsreihe zu Ebola

12. Januar 2015

Der neue Blog „Medizinethnologie: Körper, Gesundheit und Heilung in einer globalisierten Welt“ richtet sich an medizinethnologisch Interessierte aus der weiteren Öffentlichkeit (Medizin, Psychiatrie, Medien, Gesundheitsarbeit) sowie an Studierende und WissenschaftlerInnen aus dem akademischen Bereich. Moderiert wird er von der Arbeitsgruppe Medical Anthropology in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde, die seit […]

Communication Tips

23. April 2014

Are you a medical professional who uses a foreign language at work? Have You Ever Been in This Situation? Not knowing how to comfort a patient in distress. Not remembering how to say or pronounce a word. Knowing the medical term, but not being able to explain it to a […]

World Health Day 2015: Food safety

29. Januar 2015

7th April 2015, worldwide, by WHO Background Unsafe food is linked to the deaths of an estimated 2 million people annually – including many children. Food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances is responsible for more than 200 diseases, ranging from diarrhoea to cancers. New threats to food […]