Project “University Global Health Impact”

16. Dezember 2014

          The University Global Health Impact Report Card evaluates the top U.S. and Canadian research universities on their contributions to urgent global health research and access to treatment worldwide. A project of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM), the Report Card uses publicly-available and self-reported information […]

The Gastein Health outcomes 2014

18. November 2014

Report from European Health Forum Gastein, 1st to 3rd October 2014, Bad Hofgastein, Austria The EHFG 2014 deliberately grasped the opportunity offered by the changing political context – with a new European Parliament, a new European Commission a new urgency in the WHO European Region, at a time of international […]

World AIDS Day 2014: Closing the gap in HIV prevention and treatment

19. November 2014

1 December 2014 On World AIDS Day 2014, the World Health Organization will issue new recommendations to help countries close important gaps in HIV prevention and treatment services. The guidelines will include advice on providing antiretroviral drugs for people who have been exposed to HIV – such as health workers, […]

Risk Assessment and Updates on Ebola Virus

22. Oktober 2014

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is an EU agency aimed at strengthening Europe’s defences against infectious diseases. ECDC’s mission is to identify, assess and communicate current and emerging threats to human health posed by infectious diseases. Recent developments on the Ebola Outbreak, news and epidemiological updates can be […]

Report on e-cigarettes to WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

22. Oktober 2014

The report on “Electronic nicotine delivery systems” (ENDS), of which electronic cigarettes are the most common prototype, was on the agenda of the 6th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), held 13-18 October 2014, in Moscow. E-cigarettes and similar devices are […]

Gratis Studentenkonto und Arztkittel!

22. September 2014

Medizinstudenten aufgepasst! Eröffne jetzt das modernste Studentenkonto inkl. BankCard StudentID – Bankomatkarte und international gültigem Studentenausweis. Dazu bekommst du einen Gutschein für einen kostenlosen Artzkittel aus dem Shop der MedUni Wien. Und so geht’s: Einfach Gutschein hier ausdrucken und in deine Erste-Filiale kommen Studentenkonto eröffnen Artzkittel mit abgestempelten Gutschein im […]

Neuer Gendefekt identifiziert

22. September 2014

Die Care-for-Rare Foundation unterstützt ein Forschungsprojekt, bei dem LMU-Forscher eine neue Ursache angeborener Immunschwächekrankheiten entdeckt haben: Gendefekte im Gen „Jagunal-1“ verhindern die Bildung weißer Blutkörperchen. Die Folgen sind oft lebensbedrohliche Infektionen. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem CeMM Forschungszentrum für Molekulare Medizin Wien der ÖAW und der Kinderklinik an der MedUni Wien […]

Deutsches Netzwerk gegen Vernachlässigte Tropenkrankheiten

22. September 2014

Mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen werden derzeit durch vernachlässigte Tropenkrankheiten (Neclected Tropical Diseases – NTDs) weltweit arbeitsunfähig, blind, entstellt, behindert; viele von ihnen sterben. Der ärmste Teil der Bevölkerung, vor allem Frauen und Kinder, ist am stärksten betroffen. Kinder gehen unregelmäßig zur Schule, Frauen und Männer können nicht arbeiten. Viele […]

German network against Neglected Tropical Diseases

24. September 2014

Worldwide, more than one billion people are unable to work, blinded, disfigured, or handicapped by neglected tropical diseases (NTDs); many of them die. The most impoverished members of the population, above all women and children, are the most severely affected. Children do not attend school regularly, women and children cannot […]

Medical occupation and mobility of medical personnel in the European Union

25. September 2014

By Dr. med. Gerhard Polak You can download this article as a PDF file here. The harmonisation of the system for further education (the Bologna process) has constituted a milestone in the promotion of mobility within the European Union. The Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications was created in […]