World Leprosy Day 2022: United for Dignity

14. Januar 2022

30th January 2022, worldwide World Leprosy Day (WLD) is celebrated on the last Sunday of January. In 2022, World Leprosy Day is 30 January. This international day is an opportunity to celebrate people who have experienced leprosy, raise awareness of the disease, and call for an end to leprosy-related stigma […]

Welt Lepra Tag

14. Januar 2022

30. Jänner 2022, weltweit UNITED FOR DIGNITY – VEREINT FÜR WÜRDE Jährlich am letzten Sonntag im Januar findet der Welt-Lepra-Tag statt. 2022 fällt dieser Tag auf den Welttag gegen Vernachlässigte Tropenkrankheit (World NTD Day) am 30. Januar. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO zählt Lepra zu den 20 vernachlässigten Tropenkrankheiten (Neglected Tropical Diseases, […]

Welt Lepra Tag

11. Januar 2022

31. Jänner 2022, weltweit Hinsehen statt Übersehen –Vernachlässigte Krankheiten bekämpfen. Vergessene Menschen sichtbar machen.   In einer Welt im Ausnahmezustand sind wir dankbar, anlässlich des Welt-Lepra-Tages am 31. Januar 2021 auch gute Nachrichten berichten zu können: Die Lepra-Forschung hat in den vergangenen Jahren viele entscheidende Erkenntnisse geliefert, wie die Lepra-Übertragung […]

Tag des Patienten 2022

11. Januar 2022

26. Jänner 2022, Deutschland „Patientenrechte im Mittelpunkt“: Unter diesem Motto findet am 26. Januar 2022 der bundesweite Tag des Patienten statt. Kliniken und Krankenhäuser setzen bundesweit mit unterschiedlichsten Aktionen ein Zeichen für Patient*innenrechte, sei es mit Online-Beratungsangeboten, Telefonhotlines oder Video-Sprechstunden. Beschwerdemanager*innen und Patientenfürsprecher*innen in den Gesundheitseinrichtungen beantworten dabei wichtige Fragen […]

Rise like a phoenix – EHFG 2021 Conference Outcomes

7. Dezember 2021
EHFG Conference Outcomes

Over the last two years, health has experienced a rare moment in the political spotlight. How can we harness the current momentum and transform the grim lessons learned into sustainable strategies for a better tomorrow? This was one of the main questions decision-makers, experts and community members from the public […]

International Day of People With Disabilities

30. November 2021

3rd of December 2022, worldwide This year, during the annual celebration of people with disabilities, the 2021 theme is “Fighting for rights in the post-COVID era.” We are celebrating the challenges, barriers and opportunities for people who live with disabilities, in the context of a global pandemic. Since March 2020, […]

World Diabetes Day 2021

28. Oktober 2021

14th November 2021, worldwide. World Diabetes Day is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign reaching a global audience of over 1 billion people in more than 160 countries. The campaign draws attention to issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world and keeps diabetes firmly in the public and political […]

World AIDS Day 2021

28. Oktober 2021

1st December 2021, worldwide. What is World AIDS Day? World AIDS Day takes place on 1 December each year. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related […]

EHFG 2021: Registration is open for the online conference

8. September 2021

27th September to 1st October 2012, online. The European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is pleased to share with you the Programme of the EHFG 2021 and extend a warm invitation to register for this year’s digital conference taking place from 27 September to 1 October 2021.  Registration is open, you can find more information, including registration fees, […]

International Conference on Primary Healthcare
in Austria and Europe

27. Juli 2021

09th September 2021, online. The conference is co-organised by the European Commission, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health Care and Consumer Protection and the European Health Forum Gastein and will be streamed online with live panel discussions hosted at the House of the European Union in Vienna. Save […]