Podcast: Do we need a Treaty change to reach a true European Health Union?

6. Juli 2021

Podcast by: European Health Union Now Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union (EU) has often received criticism for not having reacted strongly enough and for not taking more leadership in coordinating the response. On the other hand, the pioneering efforts around the negotiations and the purchasing […]

World Hepatitis Day 2021

6. Juli 2021

28th July 2021, worldwide. World Hepatitis Day (WHD) takes places every year on 28 July bringing the world together under a single theme to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change. In 2021 the theme is ‘Hepatitis Can’t Wait’. On World Hepatitis Day, […]


11. Juni 2021

European partnership for improving health, equity and wellbeing. EuroHealthNet is the Partnership of Public Health bodies building a healthier future for all by addressing the determinants of health and reducing inequalities. Our focus is on preventing disease and promoting good health by looking within and beyond the health care system.  […]

Going USA 2021: Weiterbildung, Fellowship & Forschung

8. Februar 2021

23rd February 2021, online. Are you interested in residency and/or research work in the USA? Are you interested in an Internship and Residency at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, USA? Going International and the Alumni Club of Medical University Vienna would like to invite you to attend this year’s Going USA online information event. The event […]

Health at a Glance 2020 – Part 3: Overview of Health Indicators

4. Februar 2021

This chapter describes the health status of EU citizens, including trends in life expectancy, the main causes of death, health inequalities, the occurrence of communicable and chronic diseases, and mental health issues. It shows modifiable risk factors to health, including smoking, alcohol consumption, illicit drug use, unhealthy nutrition, lack of physical […]

European Health Union: A Greater Role for the EU in Health

4. Februar 2021

As we continue to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and begin charting a recovery course, we can, and must, do better – now and in the future. This crisis calls for “more Europe” – a greater role for the European Union (EU) in health, a renewed concentration on our shared core […]

Invitation to the United Nations in Vienna – Without Leaving Home

3. Februar 2021
United Nations

by appointment, online. Are you curious about what the UN is doing to make a better world? Would you like to find out more about how the UN made its home in Vienna, one of the four global UN headquarters? Are you an engaged citizen wondering how we can achieve […]

Health at a Glance 2020: Public Health Issues Part 2
Air Pollution and Its Impact on Health in Europe

20. Januar 2021

This chapter reviews the health and welfare impacts of air pollution in Europe. Although air pollution has decreased in most European countries over the past two decades, it remains above WHO guidelines in most countries, particularly in some large Central and Eastern European cities. This has serious consequences on people’s […]

Health at a Glance 2020: Public Health Issues Part 1
How resilient have European health systems been to the COVID‑19 crisis?

28. Dezember 2020
Health at a Glance 2020

This contribution provides an initial assessment of the impact of COVID‑19 and theresilience of European health systems to the pandemic, bearing in mind that thepandemic is ongoing and so any definitive assessment would be premature. Since late 2019, the COVID‑19 outbreak has spread to become the most serious pandemic in […]

Gewinner des Austrian Health Leadership Awards sind bekannt!

15. Dezember 2020

Das European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz, freute sich, am 14. Dezember die Gewinner des diesjährigen Austrian Health Leadership Award im Rahmen einer online Preisverleihung bekanntzugeben. In diesem Jahr richtete sich die Ausschreibung des Austrian Health Leadership Awards an non-profit […]