10th September, worldwide.

World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) was established in 2003 in conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and is a significant advocacy and communication based event aimed at reaching national organisations, governments and the general public, giving a singular message that suicide can be prevented.
WSPD is considered an effective tool in these efforts and the WHO Report: Preventing Suicide: a Global Imperative (WHO, 2014) marks it as a policy achievement, stating:
'This day has spurred campaigns both nationally and locally and has contributed to raising awareness and reducing stigma'.
WSPD continues to grow year on year, with recent years seeing the day observed in more than 60 countries with hundreds of events ranging from educational and commemorative events to press briefings and public conferences. The Internet and Social Media coverage has ensured millions of people around the world are linked to WSPD on September 10th and in 2020 the IASP produced Step Closer film was viewed over 30 million times. Recent WSPD Impact reports can be viewed here.
In 2016, alongside our partners, IASP launched a universal suicide prevention awareness ribbon in the hope that the suicide prevention awareness ribbon would become globally recognisable much like other ribbons for other worthwhile causes are.
Following a review of ribbons and colours used to signify suicide prevention awareness around the world, yellow and orange were the two predominant colours that stood out and the ribbon was therefore put together using these colours.
The two toned ribbon is indicative of the light of a candle flame which ties in nicely with the IASP “Light a Candle” campaign as well as the candlelit walks that many arranged around the globe for WSPD. It also works well with the “Out of the Darkness into the Light” arranged by partner organisations for WSPD and other activities.
Location: worldwide For more information and detailed program visit the website.
Date: 10th September, every year
Published in GI-Mail 09/2023 (English edition).
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