Neue Suche | Kongressdetail

Infectious and Chronic Diseases Conference

18.11.2024 - 19.11.2024  CapeTown, Südafrika
Bewerbungsfrist:November 3rd 2024
Infectious and Chronic Diseases Congress 2021 provides up to date evidenced-based information regarding the diagnosis, prevention and management of rare & emerging infectious diseases and its epidemiology on controlling the pandemics.

This Congress brings together participants from clinical healthcare, anthropological and laboratory science backgrounds to explore a range of topics: the challenges of interdisciplinary approach and immunology and microbiology of infectious diseases.
Lernziele, Trainingsziele
Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, Chronic Diseases, Tropical Diseases, Immunology, Emerging Infections, Airborne Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Virology, Bacteriology, Parasitology, Microbiology, Epidemiology, Public Health
Infectiologists, Bacteriologists, Virologists, Parasitologists, Microbiologists, Pediatricians, Immunologists, Epidemiologists, General Physicians, Academicians and Researchers, Healthcare Professionals, Medical Students
All the participants are provided with certificates

Anfragen und Anmeldung:

Frau Lexy Jackson
Allgemeinmedizin, Fachpflege, Gesundheitspädagogik / Health Professions Education, Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenkrankheiten, Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten, Hygiene und Mikrobiologie, Immunologie, Immunologie und Pathologie, Innere Medizin, Medizinische Genetik, Medizinpädagogik / Medical Education, Pathophysiologie, Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Public Health Forschung, Tropenmedizin und Infektiologie, Virologie
USD 349,00
(Registration fee for participation. Students can avail special fee on request)
Teilnehmer erwartet
50 - 100
Veranstalter Kontakt
1201 N. Orange Street Suite 7160
19801 Wilmington
Amerikanische Jungferninseln
"GOING INTERNATIONAL fördert den Zugang zu Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung, unabhängig von sozialen, geographischen und nationalen Grenzen."

Charité International AcademyCentro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio SanitarioAMREF - African Medical and Research FoundationHelix - Forschung & Beratung WienÖsterreichisches Rotes KreuzHilfswerk AustriaÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthEuropean Health Forum Gastein