Causal Inference and Propensity Score Methods
Amsterdam UMC / EpidM, Department of Epidemiology & Data Science

12.01.2023 - 17.01.2023 Amsterdam, Niederlande
Bewerbungsfrist:December 30th 2022
In this course students gain an overview on the statistical techniques and research designs used by epidemiologists to estimate treatment effects from patient data. We begin by reviewing the randomized controlled trial design in which patients are assigned completely at random to two or more treatment and control groups. Subsequently, we will consider estimation of treatment effects in settings when treatment assignment cannot be controlled by the experimenter. Further information see website
In this course students gain an overview on the statistical techniques and research designs used by epidemiologists to estimate treatment effects from patient data. We begin by reviewing the randomized controlled trial design in which patients are assigned completely at random to two or more treatment and control groups. Subsequently, we will consider estimation of treatment effects in settings when treatment assignment cannot be controlled by the experimenter. Further information see website
Lernziele, Trainingsziele
At the end of the course “causal inference” the participant will be able to determine whether an observational study design is adequate for answering a research question. See for more the website
At the end of the course “causal inference” the participant will be able to determine whether an observational study design is adequate for answering a research question. See for more the website
Target group: epidemiologists concerned with estimation of treatments effects between study groups using observational data.
Target group: epidemiologists concerned with estimation of treatments effects between study groups using observational data.
Participants are expected 1. to have basic knowledge of epidemiological methods and have followed the Regression Techniques 2. to have basic knowledge of R; (see website for a course)
Participants are expected 1. to have basic knowledge of epidemiological methods and have followed the Regression Techniques 2. to have basic knowledge of R; (see website for a course)
We use an interactive Learn Management System for this course. Here you can find all course materials at least one week before the start of the course
We use an interactive Learn Management System for this course. Here you can find all course materials at least one week before the start of the course
Anfragen und Anmeldung:
Register via the website.
The course will be an online course because of Covid-19
Frau Drs Yvonne van Loon
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit - Expertenkurse, Epidemiologie und Krankheitskontrolle, Klinische Forschung, Public Health Forschung, Statistik

Art des Abschlusses
4 Tage
4 Tage
Credit Points
2 ECTS - Points
2 ECTS - Points
EUR 1.325,00
(If you enrol for two or three Winter Courses simultaneously, you will receive a discount of 10% on all courses.)
EUR 1.325,00
(If you enrol for two or three Winter Courses simultaneously, you will receive a discount of 10% on all courses.)
Teilnehmerzahl (max.)
Veranstalter Kontakt
Meibergdreef 9
1105 AZ Amsterdam
Meibergdreef 9
1105 AZ Amsterdam

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