GI-Mail Archivo

El correo de información mensual de Going International

Desde 2005 cada vez más lectores obtienen nuestro boletín mensual „GI-Mail“, el cual contiene una precisa selección de informaciónes actuales y específicas. GI-Mail se envia cada mes en dos versiones: una en inglés y otra en alemán. El suscriptor elige el idioma deseado al registrarse.

Datos de interés:

  • Destinatarios: 30.000 personas cada mes (versión en alemán: 18.000 destinatarios, versión en inglés: 12.000 destinatarios).
  • Secciones del GI-Mail: "cursos recomendados", "congresos recomendados", "especial del mes" ( ej.: nuevos libros, páginas web, eventos especiales, etc.), "oportunidades laborales".
GI-Mail 12 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Disability and Impairment: Management in the Community

Congress Tip

  • Third Annual Update Symposium on Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology

Special of the month

  • Always up to date with our Going International Webarchive

GI-Mail 11 / 2006

Course Tip

  • PGCERT Social Development and Health 2007

Congress Tip

  • Medic Africa 32

Special of the month

  • Launch of the Seventh Framework Programme (Fp7)

GI-Mail 10 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Core Skills in Vascular Surgery

Congress Tip

  • 14th Annual Eupha Conference 2006

Special of the month

  • Set the course for your career!

GI-Mail 9 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Essentials Of Humanitarian Practice 2006/2007

Congress Tip

  • 9th International Congress on Behavioural Medicine

Special of the month

  • "Medicine & Health 2006" – 50% Discount

GI-Mail 8 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Patient-Based Evidence

Congress Tip

  • Cirse 2006

Special of the month

  • "Medicine & Health 2006" – 50% Discount

GI-Mail 7 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Disability in Developing Countries

Congress Tip

  • World Congress of Cardiology 2006

Special of the month

  • Recommended Newsletter "Hesp-News & Notes"

GI-Mail 6 / 2006

Course Tip

  • International Summer School 2006 – Health as a Global & Local Challenge

Congress Tip

  • International Conference "Better Hospitals in United Europe"

Special of the month

  • Job Offer: Physician Vientiane, Lao Pdr

GI-Mail 5 / 2006

Course Tip

  • The Art of Clinical Obstetrics

Congress Tip

  • 12th International Congress on Infectious Diseases

Special of the month

  • 28th Aspher Annual Conference - Call for Abstracts
  • Scholarships for The M.Sc. Programme in Public Health at Maastricht University

GI-Mail 4 / 2006

Course Tip

  • EUROPUBHEALTH – The European Public Health Master

Congress Tip

  • 2nd Amsterdam Conference on Tropical Child Health

Special of the month

GI-Mail 3 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Critical Literature Scrutiny and Article Writing in Pharmacotherapy and Pharmacoepidemiology

Congress Tip

  • Cleanmed 2006

Special of the month

  • European Journal "Tropical Medicine and International Health"
  • Job Offer: Hospital of Nouna/Burkina Faso

GI-Mail 2 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Health Care and Management in Tropical Countries (HCMTC)

Congress Tip

  • 26th Intern. Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

Special of the month

  • Symposium "Healthy Ageing in Europe"

GI-Mail 1 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Health Care and Management in Tropical Countries (HCMTC)

Congress Tip

  • 26th Intern. Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

Special of the month

  • Symposium "Healthy Ageing in Europe"

European Health Forum GasteinnewTreeCharité International AcademyÖsterreichisches Rotes KreuzSwiss Tropical and Public Health InstituteÄrzte der WeltOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation Österreichische Akademie der Ärzte