Young Gasteiners‘ articles are Going International

Going International will offer members of the „Young Forum Gastein“ the possibility to publicize their scientific articles in the newsletter GI-Mail & on the education platform GOING INTERNATIONAL in order to reach a broad public health community. The authors may also publish additional related links, recommended reading, and information about the author/the authors. This is a joint project to empower Young Gastein researchers.

Author Guidelines

Please consider the following instructions when writing your article:

1. Proposal for the lead text

Please summarize key points of your article in 3-4 sentences. The lead text appears below the title of your paper/article. The lead text is intended to encourage the reader to read the entire article. The GI editorial will choose the lead text from your proposals.

2. Main part of your article

Your article should have at least 6,000-11,000 characters (incl. spaces) = 1-2 A4 pages in Times New Roman 12. You can also add tables, graphs and/or photos to support your content.

Note: See Guidelines & Copyrights Photos

3. Abstract (optional)

Additionally, you can submit an abstract of your article. The abstract will also be published on the GI-platform and should not exceed 1,800 characters (incl. spaces).
In order to increase your reach, you can also submit your abstract bilingually. (Example: German & English; English & Spanish or Spanish & Italian etc.)

4. Additional information regarding the topic of your article

Website Recommendations: As an interactive supplement to your article please send us at least 3 links to websites (URL), please add a short explanatory text to each URL.
The recommended websites will be published at the end of your article in an extra section.

Recommended literature and magazines: You are welcome to recommend books and journals, also here, please add a short explanatory text to each URL.

5. Information on the author (CV and photo)

Short-CV: We are happy to publish your short CV. For this, we need your full title and description of your current position (acad.). See the following sample CVs:

Senior Staff Specialist in Intensive Care, Liverpool Hospital, Lecturer in Intensive Care, Anaesthesia
and Emergency Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, President of
International Trauma Care (ITACCS).

Perrin Pierre, Dr. med., MPH
Chief Medical Officer of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva Switzerland, academic positions at University of Geneva and at the School of Law and Political Sciences in Aix-Marseille, France associate at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA

  • Please provide us with details on the website of your institution or your private website, if applicable.

6. Photos and images:

  • Photos of the author/s need to be in the format of a passport photo
  • All photos/images need a high resolution: at least 300dpi.
  • Please add captions to all images and graphs
  • Please let us know which information you want to have published regarding yourself and your position/affiliation. Please also inform us about co-authors.
    Example of a caption: >> Dr. Gerhard Polak, Going International, Vienna, Austria <<.
  • Copyright: Please send us only photos for which you own the copyright, because these images are released globally on the Education Portal GOING INTERNATIONAL and via Newsletter GI-Mail.

Contact Details: 

EHFG (European Health Forum Gastein):

Going International Office:

  • Kennen Sie unseren monatlichen Newsletter GI-Mail mit Tipps zu postgradualen Lehrgängen und Kongressen? Hier geht es zur Anmeldung.
  • Sind Sie auf der Suche nach neuen beruflichen Herausforderungen/Jobs & Vakanzen? Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Stellenangebote.
  • Kennen Sie schon unsere monatliche Job-Information GI-Jobs mit aktuellen Stellenangeboten für ÄrztInnen, ManagerInnen und dipl. Fachpflegekräfte? Hier geht es zuAnmeldung.
  • Sind Sie an neuen postgraduellen Kursen und CME-Weiterbildung interessiert? Laufend neue Kurse & Kongresse von mehr als 2300 Veranstaltern finden Sie in der Bildungsdatenbank »medicine & health«.




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