GI-Mail Archivio

L’infomail mensile di Going International (versione tedesca e inglese)

Dal 2005 un sempre crescente numero di lettori riceve la Newsletter mensile (GI-mail), con una scelta di informazioni professionali selezionata con cura. Questa Newsletter è disponibile in lingua tedesca e inglese, con contenuti tradotti nella lingua del gruppo destinatario.


  • Destinatari mensili:  30.000 (versione tedesca: 18.000 destinatari, versione inglese: 10.000 destinatari)
  • Rubriche: "Suggerimento corso", "suggerimento convegno", "Special del mese" (per esempio suggerimenti dei libri o dei siti web, organizzazioni speciali) nonchè "Lavoro"
GI-Mail 12 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Disability and Impairment: Management in the Community

Congress Tip

  • Third Annual Update Symposium on Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology

Special of the month

  • Always up to date with our Going International Webarchive

GI-Mail 11 / 2006

Course Tip

  • PGCERT Social Development and Health 2007

Congress Tip

  • Medic Africa 32

Special of the month

  • Launch of the Seventh Framework Programme (Fp7)

GI-Mail 10 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Core Skills in Vascular Surgery

Congress Tip

  • 14th Annual Eupha Conference 2006

Special of the month

  • Set the course for your career!

GI-Mail 9 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Essentials Of Humanitarian Practice 2006/2007

Congress Tip

  • 9th International Congress on Behavioural Medicine

Special of the month

  • "Medicine & Health 2006" – 50% Discount

GI-Mail 8 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Patient-Based Evidence

Congress Tip

  • Cirse 2006

Special of the month

  • "Medicine & Health 2006" – 50% Discount

GI-Mail 7 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Disability in Developing Countries

Congress Tip

  • World Congress of Cardiology 2006

Special of the month

  • Recommended Newsletter "Hesp-News & Notes"

GI-Mail 6 / 2006

Course Tip

  • International Summer School 2006 – Health as a Global & Local Challenge

Congress Tip

  • International Conference "Better Hospitals in United Europe"

Special of the month

  • Job Offer: Physician Vientiane, Lao Pdr

GI-Mail 5 / 2006

Course Tip

  • The Art of Clinical Obstetrics

Congress Tip

  • 12th International Congress on Infectious Diseases

Special of the month

  • 28th Aspher Annual Conference - Call for Abstracts
  • Scholarships for The M.Sc. Programme in Public Health at Maastricht University

GI-Mail 4 / 2006

Course Tip

  • EUROPUBHEALTH – The European Public Health Master

Congress Tip

  • 2nd Amsterdam Conference on Tropical Child Health

Special of the month

GI-Mail 3 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Critical Literature Scrutiny and Article Writing in Pharmacotherapy and Pharmacoepidemiology

Congress Tip

  • Cleanmed 2006

Special of the month

  • European Journal "Tropical Medicine and International Health"
  • Job Offer: Hospital of Nouna/Burkina Faso

GI-Mail 2 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Health Care and Management in Tropical Countries (HCMTC)

Congress Tip

  • 26th Intern. Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

Special of the month

  • Symposium "Healthy Ageing in Europe"

GI-Mail 1 / 2006

Course Tip

  • Health Care and Management in Tropical Countries (HCMTC)

Congress Tip

  • 26th Intern. Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

Special of the month

  • Symposium "Healthy Ageing in Europe"

Swiss Tropical and Public Health InstituteÖsterreichische Akademie der ÄrzteEuropean Public Health Association (EUPHA)Ärztekammer für WienÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation Charité International AcademyÖsterreichisches Rotes Kreuz