GI-Mail Archivio

L’infomail mensile di Going International (versione tedesca e inglese)

Dal 2005 un sempre crescente numero di lettori riceve la Newsletter mensile (GI-mail), con una scelta di informazioni professionali selezionata con cura. Questa Newsletter è disponibile in lingua tedesca e inglese, con contenuti tradotti nella lingua del gruppo destinatario.


  • Destinatari mensili:  30.000 (versione tedesca: 18.000 destinatari, versione inglese: 10.000 destinatari)
  • Rubriche: "Suggerimento corso", "suggerimento convegno", "Special del mese" (per esempio suggerimenti dei libri o dei siti web, organizzazioni speciali) nonchè "Lavoro"
GI-Mail 12 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Scientific Writing

  • Professional Certificate in Strategic Health Planning

Congress Tips

  • 16th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM)

  • 5th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health


Special of the month

  • Life Safety and Security "LiSS", the new Scientific Journal

  • Resilient and Innovative Health Systems for Europe


Jobs & Career offers

  • Job and Career in Germany and Austria, contact Going International

  • Personal Job Consulting and Placement


GI-Mail 11 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Paediatrics and Child Health MSc | PG Cert | PG Dip

  • The Sphere Handbook in Action e-learning course

Congress Tips

  • Gender, Ethnicity & Mental Health

  • Careum Congress 2014


Special of the month

  • Report on the European Health Forum Gastein 2013
  • World Disasters Report 2013


Jobs & Career offers

  • Job and Career in Germany and Austria, contact Going International

  • Personal Job Consulting and Placement



GI-Mail 10 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Genes – Are They Key to Public Health?
  • ICH-GCP Training

Congress Tips

  • 35th Anniversary of the Alma-Ata Primary Health Care Declaration Conference
  • 4th EUSPR Conference – differences in prevention outcomes
  • Gender Summit 3 North America

Special of the month

  • The German Health Care System – A Concise Overview

Jobs & Career offers

  • Job and Career in Germany, Switzerland contact Going International

  • Personal Job Consulting and Placement


GI-Mail 9 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Course in Advanced Wilderness Life Support

  • Current Concepts in Medicine Gastroenterology & Cardiology

Congress Tips

  • 15th Humanitarian Congress Berlin

  • 6th European Public Health Conference


  • International Dementia Conference

  • Gender Summit 3 North America

Special of the Month

  • The EU Aid Volunteers' Initiative

Jobs & Career Offers

  • Job and Career in Germany, Switzerland contact Going International

  • Personal Job Consulting and Placement

GI-Mail 8 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Teaching Evidence-Based Practice at the University of Oxford

  • Online course: Unites to End Female Genital Mutilation

Congress Tips

  • 6th European Public Health Conference

  • ESRA 2013

Special of the Month

  • Information event: Internal Medicine Residency Training Program

  • The International Organization for Migration

  • The Standing Committee of European Doctors

Jobs & Career Offers

  • Career management by the Marburger Bund- German Association of Salaried Doctors

  • Job and Career in Germany, Switzerland contact Going International

  • Personal Job Consulting and Placement

GI-Mail 7 / 2013

Course Tips

  • EFIC Autumn Pain School

Congress Tips

  • 16th European Health Forum Gastein

  • ESRA 2013

Special of the Month

  • Going - USA

Jobs & Career Offers

  • Going - Sweden

  • Job and Career in Germany, Switzerland contact Going International

  • Personal Job Consulting and Placement

GI-Mail 6 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Concepts of Epidemiology - Crash Course for Professionals

  • Advanced short course on health sector reforms and financing

Congress Tips

  • XXI World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2013)

  • 4th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

Special of the Month

  • Communication Skills for Foreign and Mobile Medical Professionals

Jobs & Career Offers

  • Working in Ontario

  • Job and Career in Germany, Switzerland contact Going International

  • Personal Job Consulting and Placement

GI-Mail 5 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Master in Health Economics and Policy

  • Security Awareness and First Aid (SAFA) Training

Congress Tips

  • ASCO 2013

  • EULAR 2013

Special of the Month

  • Africa Health

  • Report: Access healthcare in times of crisis and rising xenophobia

  • Pros and Cons of Health Care for irregular Migrants: does exclusion really make sense?

GI-Mail 4 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Erasmus Summer Programme 2013

  • 6th International Junior Academy - Summer School of the IAP

Congress Tips

  • 4th World Congress on ADHD

  • 25th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2013)

Special of the Month

  • Africa Health

  • Health at a Glance: Europe 2012

  • Project "University Global Health Impact"

GI-Mail 3 / 2013

Course Tips

  • 31st Graduate Summer Institute of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

  • Emergency Medicine Update

Congress Tips

  • 21st European Congress of Psychiatry

  • 5th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference & Pre-IMPAKT Training Course

  • 8th International EFR Congress

Special of the Month

  • Understanding the German Health Care System

  • Pros and Cons of Health Care for irregular MIgrants: does exclusion really make sense?

GI-Mail 2 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Course on Infectious Diseases in Europe: HIV and TB

  • Summer School in Global Health Challenges

Congress Tips

  • 33rd International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

  • EHMA Annual Conference 2013

Special of the Month

  • RICHE – Research in Child Health in Europe

GI-Mail 1 / 2013

Course Tips

  • Erasmus Winter Programme 2013
  • Erasmus Summer Programme 2013

  • Executive Course on Global Health Diplomacy

  • Human Rights for Development

Congress Tips

  • 33rd International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

Special of the Month

  • FP7-Winter Academy

  • Mental Health care for socially marginalised people in Europe

Jobs & Career Offers

  • Personal Job Consulting and Placement

Hilfswerk AustriaCentro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio SanitarioEuropean Health Forum GasteinÄrzte der WeltHelix - Forschung & Beratung WienÖsterreichische Akademie der ÄrzteAnästhesie in Entwicklungsländern e. V.AGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und Medizin