GI-Mail Archivio

L’infomail mensile di Going International (versione tedesca e inglese)

Dal 2005 un sempre crescente numero di lettori riceve la Newsletter mensile (GI-mail), con una scelta di informazioni professionali selezionata con cura. Questa Newsletter è disponibile in lingua tedesca e inglese, con contenuti tradotti nella lingua del gruppo destinatario.


  • Destinatari mensili:  30.000 (versione tedesca: 18.000 destinatari, versione inglese: 10.000 destinatari)
  • Rubriche: "Suggerimento corso", "suggerimento convegno", "Special del mese" (per esempio suggerimenti dei libri o dei siti web, organizzazioni speciali) nonchè "Lavoro"
GI-Mail 12 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • The 18th Swiss International Short Course on Travellers`Health

Congress Tips:

  • The 13th World Congress on Public Health 2012 "Towards Global Health Equity: Opportunities and Threats"

GI-Mail 11 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Medicine and Human Rights in Cross-cultural Perspective
  • NIHES - Erasmus Winter Programme 2012

Congress Tips:

  • 5th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base & Spine combined with the First Global Update on FESS,
    the Sinuses & the Nose

Special of the month:

  • „Un techo para mi Pais“  Youth building a Latin America without poverty
  • Good health at low cost 25 years on - what makes a successful health system?

GI-Mail 10 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Knowledge Management for Development

Congress Tips:

  • IHF 37th World Hospital Congress

Special of the month:

  • »medicine & health 2012« early bird discount

GI-Mail 9 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Tropmedex: Tropical Medicine Expeditions to East Africa

Congress Tips:

  • Neurologists from all over the world to meet in magical Marrakesh
  • 3rd European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

Special of the month:

  • The new Career and Education Guide »medicine & health 2012« is here!

GI-Mail 8 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Advanced Certificate in International Training of Trainers

Congress Tips:

  • DGPPN Congress 2011: “Personalized psychiatry and psychotherapy”
  • 1st Global Forum on Bacterial Infections: Balancing Treatment Access and Antibiotic Resistance

Special of the month:

  • Your opinion counts!

GI-Mail 7 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Doppler-Echocardiography in Intensive Care 2011

Congress Tips:

  • Public Health and Welfare - Welfare Development and Health

Special of the month:

  • Your opinion counts!

GI-Mail 6 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Managing Paradox Workshop
  • Postgraduate, distance learning European Masters Program "Advanced Physical Methods in Radiotherapy"

Congress Tips:

  • International Congress of Endoscopy (ICE) 2011

Special of the month:

  • Promote your Educational Events in »medicine & health« 2012!

GI-Mail 5 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Joint European Master`s in International Humanitarian Action

Congress Tips:

  • 21st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Special of the month:

  • Promote your Educational Events in »medicine & health« 2012!

GI-Mail 4 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Erasmus Summer Programme 2011

Congress Tips:

  • 43rd Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club (EPC)
  • 8th Annual Middle East Update in Otolaryngology

Special of the month:

  • Doctors without borders live in Austria - behind the scenes of the Medical Aid Organization
  • Promote your Educational Events in "medicine & health" 2012

GI-Mail 3 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • MSc in Molecular Life Sciences

Congress Tips:

  • World Congress
  • OBS-GYNE Exhibition & Congress 2011

Special of the month:

  • Jo Li scholarship for Chinese Radiologists In partnership with Jo Li Charitable Trust

GI-Mail 2 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Diploma in Reproductive Health in Developing Countries

Congress Tips:

  • 12th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery

Special of the month:

  • Humanitarian Commitment
    Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors without Borders
    Reaching out to populations trapped by conflict in Congo

  • Recruiting Students from Africa

  • The new thematic editions of the career and education guide "medicine & health 2011" are out now!

GI-Mail 1 / 2011

Course Tips:

  • Master in Health Management

Congress Tips:

  • 31st International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
  • European Debate on Evidence-based Mental Health Promotion and Prevention of Mental Disorders

Special of the month:

  • Thematic editions of "medicine & health 2011"

Helix - Forschung & Beratung WienSwiss Tropical and Public Health InstituteOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation AGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und MedizinCenter of ExcellenceEuropean Health Forum GasteinÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthAMREF - African Medical and Research Foundation